Resume from April 24, 2024 PRO

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Middle Python Developer, 70 000 UAH

City of residence:
Ready to work:
Odesa, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience


from 07.2021 to 11.2023 (2 years 4 months)
Disoft, Дистанційно (IT)

Python Developer
Disoft | July 2021 - Nov. 2023
DRF, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, JSON, API, kafka, s3(boto3), monolith, microservices, celery, Redis, background tasks

I have actively contributed to 6 production projects, primarily in the fields of document management and educational platforms:
Document Management (1.5 years):
led direct communication with the support team,
implemented features such as PDF generation, QR code integration, document signing, Excel parsing, logging, throttle mechanisms, and SMS functionality, two-factor authentication with YubiKey, developed email templates,
established communication with other servers using HTTP or Kafka.
Educational Platform (1 year):
contributed to managing large videos (over 5 GB) by streaming, downloading, and compressing them using FFmpeg,
contributed to architecture optimization for enhanced system performance.
Other Projects:
contributed to the implementation of additional features such as PDF generation, Telegram bot integration, writing unit tests.

Спеціаліст фінансового відділу

from 05.2018 to 01.2021 (2 years 8 months)
Паритет, виробничо-комерційна компанія, ТОВ, Одеса (Будівельна промисловість, деревообробка)

- worked with client-bank
- created a business plan
- worked with financial reports


Одеський національний економічний університет

Економічна кібернетика, Одеса
Higher, from 2014 to 2020 (6 years)

Additional education and certificates

Solid English School, IT Basic Course

2023, 3 місяці

Python ADVANCED Hillel

2021, 4 місяці

Machine Learning Hillel

2024, 4 місяці

Knowledge and skills

Python Git PostgreSQL Знання принципів ООП Django Rest Framework FastAPI Celery Redis Apache Kafka Django Pandas NumPy

Language proficiencies

English — average

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