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Technical support specialist

23 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Ivano-Frankivsk, Remote

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Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical
Ruslan Balkovyy University of Oil and Gas
Bachelor degree in Software Engineering
September 2018 - July 2022

Skills Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical
​OS: Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Linux University of Oil and Gas Master degree
in Software Engineering
​Remote control software: LogMeIn, TeamViewer
September 2022 - Present
​Programming language: Java
​Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
​Version control: Git
​ icrosoft Office package: Word, Excel,
M ● Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 &
Powerpoint, Access Hibernate - Udemy
● Linux Essentials - Prometheus
​ ther tools: Salesforce, Confluence, Trello,
O ● Version Control with Git - Epam
Jira, Slack, Docker ● Maven Build Tool - Epam

​Personal qualitiesі Achievements
Communication skills, organizational skills, ● Successfully facilitated the recovery
adaptability, responsibility, stress of critical client data from a damaged hard
resistance, conflict resolution skills,
analytical thinking. drive during an 8-hour phone consultation.
This required a high level of expertise and
resilience in dealing with technical
Experience uncertainties, contributing to the
Clario Tech — Technical support representative preservation of client data, and ensuring
high satisfaction with the services
August 2020 - July 2021 provided.
● Received and processed inbound and ● In a short period in a new role with
outbound calls from clients, a high demand for skill acquisition,
implementing remote access for efficient quickly mastered necessary competencies and
and prompt resolution of their requests consistently addressed questions typically
and issues.
directed to the team lead. This initiative
● Conducted a comprehensive analysis
and troubleshooting to enhance reduced the workload on the team lead and
operational processes, leading to an improved work efficiency, contributing to
overall increase in productivity. the overall enhancement of the work
● Collaborated closely with clients to process.
identify and promptly resolve computer
hardware-related issues, providing consultation
and professional support.
● Initiated scheduled device checks, Languages
proactively making outbound calls to
clients to ensure uninterrupted ● English– Upper-Intermediate(B2)
equipment operation and prevent ● Ukrainian – Native speaker
potential issues.
● In all my interactions and
communications with clients, I
exclusively used the English language,
ensuring a high level of service quality
and meeting their needs.

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