Resume from February 7, 2024 File


Full stack програміст

31 years

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Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

Location: Ukraine, Lviv
Phone number: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Gmail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Summary of • 2 years as Full Stack developer.
Qualifications • Web, Integration, Browser Extension, Desktop, Database applications.
• JavaScript/TypeScript, Nest.js, Node.js, Next.js, React.
• Scrum, Kanban, Agile.
• Good team player, responsible, good communication skills, love to learning
new, sense of humor.

Skills Programming Languages/Technologies Frameworks/Libraries
• JavaScript • Nest.js
• Typescript • Express
• HTML/CSS/SASS • Next.js
• Python • React.js
• RTK Query/Redux Toolkit
• RH Form/Formik
• PostgreSQL • Chakra UI/MUI/Tailwind
• SQLite • Prisma/Mongoose
NoSQL • Zod/Yup
• Django/Flask
• MongoDB
• RabbitMQ/BullMQ
• Redis
• Apollo Client
• Firebase Database
• Framer Motion
API Protocols: • Playwright/Selenium
• RESTful • Puppeteer/Cheerio
• GraphQL • i18n

Virtualization Tools Application/Web Servers
• Postman • NGINX
• Insomnia • PM2/Supervisord
• Apache JMeter • Docker
Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

Development Tools Cloud Providers
• VS Code • AWS
• PGAdmin • Google Cloud Platform
• Vercel

Work Experience

Company: Clover Dynamics January 2023 – still now
Name of project:
Project Description: Lead finder
The platform is designed for lead generation, with its core functionality
enabling users to discover leads based on their specific criteria by inputting
relevant keywords and filters. Microservices systematically scour various
platforms for leads based on the specified keywords.
The backend employs a microservices architecture for high scalability and
component independence. The frontend is implemented as a user-friendly
admin panel, allowing configuration of microservices, including the addition
and modification of search keys, management of query execution intervals, and
tracking search result statistics.
Asynchronous task processing is accomplished using RabbitMQ, with
background tasks managed through BullMQ. This approach ensures the
efficient and rapid processing of a large volume of data retrieval queries from
diverse sources.

Customer: US company
Duration: 5 months
Project Role: Full Stack developer

Responsibilities: - Creating an abstract base class for a microservice with integrations;
- Writing integrations for lead generation from various platforms;
- Developing logic for deduplicating messages in the queue;
- Creating a cron service based on BullMQ;
- Designing a basic layout for the admin panel;
- Writing a pipeline and configuring CI/CD;
- Documenting the project;
Project Team Size: 2 Full Stack developer, 1 PM
Tools & Nest.js, React.js, RTK Query, Prisma, RabbitMQ, BullMQ, Redis, Postgres, Playwright,
Technologies: Cheerio, Puppeteer, Chakra UI

Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

PoC Chrono Timeline (browser extension)
Project Description: The development initiative involved crafting a Chrome extension,
conceived as a Proof of Concept (PoC) with the aim of facilitating investor
discovery for subsequent advancements. The primary objective was to
identify all dates within a webpage's content, be it an article or any other text.
This process included standardizing date formats and generating contextual
information for each date. Subsequently, the results were organized into a
user-friendly chronological timeline. Upon clicking the timeline,
corresponding dates on the page would be highlighted. Additionally, each
result was exportable to a table.
The extension was designed to be standalone, leveraging the capabilities of
the NLTK library and compromise.js for natural language processing. The
quality of results was further enhanced through additional logic refinement.
On the UI front, React.js with Chakra UI was employed to ensure a seamless
and responsive user experience.

Customer: US company

Duration: 2 month

Project Role: Full Stack developer
Responsibilities: - Creating a basic boilerplate;
- Developing the UI components;
- Creating workers for processing information using the NLTK package;
- Implementing custom logic to enhance results;
- Writing documentation and publishing;

Project Team Size: 1 Full Stack developer, 1 PM
Tools &
Technologies: React, Chakra UI, Compromise.js, Cheerio

Kwitka App
Project Description: Developed the backend part for a mobile application. App Kwitka
developed for a company specializing in the sales and repair of tools.
Integrated the backend with Bitrix24 for real-time messaging. Implemented
integration with the Business Automation System (BAS) for information
exchange, including product lists, orders, status changes, and registration of
new clients, companies, company employees, and more.

Customer: US company


Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

5 months

Project Role: Backend developer

Responsibilities: - Creating a proxy integration for messaging exchange with open lines in
- Developing integrations for information exchange with Business
Automation System (BAS);
- Building APIs for the mobile application;
- Creating Swagger documentation;
- Writing a pipeline and configuring CI/CD;
Project Team Size: 1 Backend developer, 1 Mobile developer, 1 PM, 1 QA
Tools &
Technologies: Nest.js, Firebase, Redis

Company Website
Project Description: Development of a website for a company, with a primary focus on
optimization for search engines (SEO) and high performance. Ensured ease of
content creation and editing through a CMS.

Customer: UA company

Duration: 3 months

Project Role: Full Stack Developer

Responsibilities: - Designing and creating components in Strapi CMS;
- Integrating Apollo Client and configuring interactions with the CMS
- Configuring dynamic metadata generation, microdata, sitemap, and
- Creating components for multiple pages of the website;
- Developing endpoints for contact forms;
- Creating animations for mobile menus, buttons, and other interface
- Configuring Content Security Policy (CSP) and integrating third-party
scripts (analytics);
Project Team Size: 2 Full Stack developer, 1 PM, 1 QA
Tools &
Technologies: Next.js, Framer Motion, Apollo Client, Strapi CMS, GraphQL

Company: Glovo

Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

Glovo Cook Room
Project Description: Business website for the new Glovo project - Cook Room, with a primary
focus on optimization for search engines (SEO) and high performance.

Customer: Glovo

Duration: 2 months

Project Role: Full Stack Developer

Responsibilities: - Configuring dynamic metadata generation, micro-markup, sitemap, and
- Creating components for all pages of the website;
- Developing endpoints for contact form;
- Creating logic for save leads in Google Forms;
- Creating animations for all interface elements;
- Configuring Content Security Policy (CSP) and integrating third-party
scripts (analytics);

Project Team Size: 1 Full Stack developer, 1 UI/UX designer, 1 QA
Tools &
Technologies: Next.js, Framer Motion, CSS, i18n.

Company Website (Grant Sense company)
Project Description: Development of a website for a company, with a primary focus on optimization for
search engines (SEO) and high performance. Ensured ease of content creation and
editing through a CMS.

Customer: Grant Sense

Duration: 2 months

Project Role: Full Stack Developer

Responsibilities: - Designing and creating components in Strapi CMS;
- Integrating Apollo Client and configuring interactions with the CMS;
- Configuring dynamic metadata generation, microdata, sitemap, and
- Creating components for all pages of the website;
- Developing endpoint for contact forms;
- Configuring Content Security Policy (CSP) and integrating third-party
scripts (analytics);
Project Team Size: 1 Full Stack developer, 1 PM, 1 QA

Andrii Petlovanyi
Full Stack Developer

Tools &
Technologies: Next.js, Framer Motion, Apollo Client, Strapi CMS, GraphQL.

Company: Freelance

Project Description: Development telegram bot for retail customers and CRM for managing the
database with the information the bot works with.

Customer: Electrolux LLC
5 months
Duration: Full Stack Developer
Project Role: - Creating small CRM system for managing all information;
Responsibilities: - Creating telegram bot;
- Configuring CI/CD.
1 Full Stack developer
Project Team Size:
Tools & Technologies React, MongoDB, Python, TelegramAPI, AsyncIO, Motor, Chakra UI, RTK Query, RH

Certifications IT School GoIT | BootCamp FullStack JS
Google | IT Support
Skill Boost | GoogleCloud resourses
Udemy | Node.js/Typescript
Udemy | Next.js/React/Typescript
Udemy | Microservices - patterns and principles

Education Ternopil Academy of National Economy
Master in Software Engineering (2013-2017)

Languages English – Intermediates
Ukrainian – Native
Russian - Fluent


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