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Marketing manager


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Vladyslav Naumenko
Location: Kyiv
Personal information:
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
LinkedIn: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
My name is Vladyslav Naumenko, I`m 21. I`m a student of economics specialization in Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman. I have work experience in accounting and financial areas. Now I`m opening for new proposals from different areas not restricting to the economy such as marketing, management etc, want to try and explore smth new. During the education and work I improved and developed my skills taking different courses in Prometeus platform, finished Affiliate marketing school from Paxle company and tried myself in the programming field taking courses from Mate academy.
English – B1 and improve it
Ukrainian – native speaker
Russian – fluently
Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman
Bachelor - Business Economics: September 2019 – June 2023
Magistracy - Business Economics: September 2023 – December 2024
The main focus of education was aimed at understanding entrepreneurship skills, how to build today's business in modern realities, make the right decisions on how to promote your goods and services that consumers have desires to buy and learn to build correct business strategy.
Work experience
Junior auditor in PwC Ukraine: October 2022 – May 2023
Worked with sections of PPE, non-current assets and intangible assets. My duties included reconciliation of the balance sheet, monitoring the maintenance of fixed assets, right of use them, monitoring of financial transactions, legal cases and taking inventory. During my work experience in PwC, I acquired communication skills with clients (negotiations and correspondence), responsibility, time management in real projects, business trip experience, real work experience in Excel with a massive amount of data.

Hard skills
• Microsoft Word;
• Microsoft Excel;
• Basic skills and knowledge in HTML/CSS (Mate academy courses)
• Basic understanding of digital and performance/affiliate marketing (finished Affiliate marketing school from the Paxle company)
Soft skills
• Time management
• Proactivity
• Sociability
• Stress resistance
• Team work
• Responsibility
• Mobile devices and wearables
• Swimming
• Cinema
• Mobile photo

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