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Software developer


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Software Engineer

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Passionate and detail-oriented PHP developer with 2 years of hands-on experience in web
development, specializing in Laravel for backend engineering. I have successfully delivered
 Telegram - @rommomm123
several projects by designing and maintaining robust server-side architectures, integrating
github.com/rommomm databases, and building scalable APIs.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
 hrekuliaka00353235/ My expertise lies in creating clean, maintainable code and solving complex technical
problems. While I have experience with JavaScript and React on the frontend, my primary
focus and passion are in backend development.
I thrive in collaborative environments, continuously seek to enhance my skill set, and am
eager to tackle more advanced challenges in server-side technologies to drive impactful
PHP, LARAVEL , JS, REACT solutions.
Had experience with:
Node.js, Express, Vue.js Software Engineer

Encrypted Email Service
Student Registration with Stellar
System in the Integration:
Created a system that fully covers student performance in various regions and states of
America. My focus was on accurately recording grades and collecting and analyzing feedback
Ukrainian - (Native) from teachers, ensuring effective data management to improve the educational process.

English - (Intermediate) MVIX Project (CMS):
As part of this project, he actively participated in the development of a backend system for the
Content Management System (CMS). My main task was to design and create an API for
content management. The developed API allows you to easily manage articles, images and
videos, as well as effectively work with users and their permissions in the system.
Project MVIX (CRM):
For this project, my responsibility was to create an API to effectively manage customer data.
The developed API provides convenient access to information about customers, maintaining
their interaction history and improving the processes of interaction with customers within the
framework of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). During the work, I tried to adhere to
OOP and SOLID worked with cache queues, roles and permissions, integrated work with third-
party APIs, and applied design patterns.


Zaporizhzhya National University
- Micro- and nanosystem (2014-2018)
- Thermal power engineering (2018 - 2020)
- Public management and administration (2020 - present time)

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