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Leshchynska Olena
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Date and place of Lutsk
birth 26.12.1983 (40 y.o.)
Address of Kyiv,
residence Beresteiskyi avenue, 20
Marital status married
Degree/major Magister of finance


08.2017 – today:
Head of project finance division, WOG (head office)
- negotiations with banks, other current and potential partners and investors
- preparation of documentation for banks and other investors to make their decisions
- leading the projects related to fund raisings, refinancing, debt restructuring
- contracts/agreements conclusion support
- performing all necessary actions which need to be done in order to review/change/improve
existing credit conditions
- monitoring of current credit portfolio in order to ensure the fulfilment of existing covenants and

09.2013 – 08.2017:
Credit manager (corporate clients – trade and service companies), UKREXIMBANK (HO)
- leading negotiations with customers
- keeping a nice business-relationship with current clients, control over execution of all
agreements’ conditions and covenants by them
- helping department, which finds and attracts new clients, to offer them the best available
credit products, to assemble necessary client’s documents
- communication with other departments, which give their resumes before credit committee
- reporting/representing credit projects on a credit committee
- providing projects support till bank gives money to the client
- supporting of conclusion agreements

06.2011 - 09.2013:
Chief economist, Credit risk manager, UKREXIMBANK (HO)
- analyzing of businesses
- preparation of expert opinions in order to assess the ability of SME, micro and individual
clients to fulfil the obligations
- monitoring/reviewing of the fulfilment of obligations, covenants and conditions under
credit/mortgage/guarantee agreements
- taking part in preparation and approving of bank regulatory documents (credit policy, unified
procedures, credit products, instructions and other documents)
- training, providing practical assistance to employees of Risk department
- developing of training materials for employees of Risk department
- developing of methods of financial analysis of potential/current borrowers and instructions for
their using
Head of Credit Risk Management Sector, Raiffeisen Bank Aval (HO)
- approval of other departments conclusions
- making decisions on giving funds to SME clients / restructuring their debts
- employees training, control over the activities of the Sector, solution of current issues
- taking part in the credit committee meetings (including as a speaker)
- preparation and approving of bank regulatory documents (credit policy, unified procedures,
credit products, instructions and other documents)
- preparation of reports to management
- developing and testing of new projects in order to improve quality of the applications
(business line) and conclusions (risk management)
Started from the position of Economist, became the Head of sector.

Leading Economist of Credit Risk Management, Raiffeisen Bank Aval (Office in Lutsk)
- analyzing of businesses
- preparation of expert opinions in order to assess the ability of SME, micro and individual
clients to fulfil the obligations
- monitoring/reviewing of fulfilment of obligations, covenants and conditions under
credit/mortgage/guarantee agreements

Economist of Financial department, VOLWEST GROUP, Lutsk
- negotiations with service banks, other current and potential partners and investors-
preparation of documentation which is necessary for banks/other investors to make their
- working with different projects which are related to getting funds, refinancing, restructuring of
current obligations
- supporting of contracts/agreements conclusion
- providing of all necessary actions which need to be done in order to review/change/improve
existing credit conditions
- monitoring of current credit portfolio in order to fulfilment of existing covenants and conditions

Professional skills - Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point
- Financial accounting
- 1C (interm.)
- English (upper interm.)
- understanding of processing inside the company
- understanding of processing inside the bank
- working with banks, investors
- experience with primary financial documents, financial statements
- management experience
- participation in the meetings of the credit committee (including the
- experience in developing, approving regulatory documents of the Bank
- experience in writing educational presentations, instructions

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