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Software engineer

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Kyiv, Remote

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Ievgen Lebediev

[Kyiv, Ukraine] |
[E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)]


I have been involved in a variety of different projects. During this time I mostly dealt with the
React.js environment, basically using JS. However, Typescript is also within my expertise.
Additionally, I have experience with backend technologies such as Next.js, Express.js, and Firebase.
Being a fast learner and self-taught person, I am eager to constantly expand my knowledge and skill set.


Programming languages/technologies HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, Typescript, React.JS
Node.JS, Express.JS, Next.JS, Firebase, HandleBar

Tools used for testing Jest, React Testing Library

DB MongoDB

Operating systems Windows, MacOS

State management systems Redux, Redux Tool Kit, Redux Saga, Redux Thunk

Styling tools Material UI, Mantine UI, Bootstrap

CMS Sanity

Tracking system Jira

Methodologies Agile (Scrum)


Solvd: Kyiv, Ukraine (May 2023 – Present)
Software Engineer

Project: UA House.
● Business area: humanitarian portal for Ukrainian refugees in the US
● Main technology stack: Next,js, MUI, Sanity, Turborepo
Voypost: Berlin, Germany (February 2022 – March 2023)
Software Engineer

Project: Name NDA-restricted.
● Business area: gambling
● Main technology stack: React, Mantine JS, React Router 6, Firebase

Project: Xircles
● Business area: Pharmaceutical platform
● Technology stack: JS, React, SCSS, React Router 5

Project: Name NDA-restricted.
● Business area: Education platform
● Technology stack: React, Typescript, MUI, Storybook

Softserve: Kyiv, Ukraine (February 2021 – January 2022)
Software Engineer


● Business area: Coworking space
● Technology stack: JS, Express.js, Contentful, Handlebar

Project: Dealscribe
● Business area: Finance
● Technology stack: React, MUI, React Router 5, Redux

Project: Dokazovy
● Business area: Medical platform
● Technology stack: React, Typescript, MUI, React Router 5, Redux Toolkit, React Testing Library


Kharkiv Aerospace University (2004 – 2010)
Master’s Degree in "Radio Electronic Devices, Systems and Complexes"

Professional development, courses:
● React-Redux applications (2020)
● Typescript (2022)
● Express.js-MongoDB (2022)
● Next.JS (2023)

Language proficiency:
● English B2 (Upper-Intermediate)

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