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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information:

First name and surname: Denys Bondarchuk
Date of birth: 21.04.2005
Phone number: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Street address: Viedenska 30, 040 13 Kosice
Place of birth: Popilnya, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
Nationality: Ukrainian

Academic education:

2020 – 2022 Secondary school of Popilnya (Popilnya
2022 – Technical University of Kosice
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Intelligent system

Language skills:
● English Language – Intermediate B1
● Slovak Language – Upper Intermediate B2
● Ukrainian Language – Native Speaker C2
● Russian Language – Native Speaker C2

Job-related skills:
● Strategic Planning
● Forward Thinking
● Customer Oriented
● Team Player
● Responsible
● Cooperative
● Communicative
● Flexible
● Endurance
● Personal development

● IT Technologies
● Literature
● Psychology
● Basketball
● Volleyball
● Boxing
● Music

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