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Andrii Morhun
Angular Developer

Experience Skills
● February 2022 - present Programming Languages
Lulu software Javascript (ES5, ES6)
Angular Developer, Front-End Developer
● October 2022 - present TypeScript
Dan IT Primary center for training IT JSON
specialists AJAX
Lector SPA approach
● June 2021 - February 2022 RxJs
Digifico GmbH NGXS
Angular Developer, Front-End Developer ExpressJS
● September 2020 - February 2022 CSS3 (SCSS, LESS)
STEP IT Academy Flex-box
Coach, Teacher Grid
● August 2020 - June 2021 Pixel Perfect
SmartFox - Pro Rest API
Angular Developer, Front-End Developer Third Party API,
● October 2019 - August 2020 Firebase
ProArea Digital Agency
Angular Developer, Front-End Developer
Education Angular 2+ (Angular Material, NgZorro,
NgBootstrap, PrimeNG)
May 2019 - October 2019 Node JS (basic)
EasyCode Nest JS (basic)
Course: JavaScript + Angular Bootstrap
March 2019 - May 2019
Lemon IT School Development Tools
Course: HTML/CSS Webpack
Languages GIT
Russian: native
Gitlab / Github / Bitbucket / Azure
Ukrainian: native
English: intermediate
Contacts Photoshop
Telegram: @AndreMorgan Figma
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Poland, Krakow
Work Experience in Projects
Online PDF editor (No real name because of the NDA)
February 2022 - Present
Description: PDF editor that allows you to create and edit various PDF documents, process them
in various ways, and carry out various operations with the document.
Technologies: Angular 12+ based on library architecture, Canvas, WASM , Third Party API, HTML
5, SCSS, Angular Material.

Content creation platform (No real name because of the NDA)
June 2021 - February 2022
Description: Large platform for creating various content, presentations, graphics and analytics for
banks and their investors.
Technologies: Angular 12 based on library architecture, NGRX, NGXS, NgZorro, Third Party API,

Platform for tracking analytics on web resources (No real name because of the NDA)
August 2020 - June 2021
Description: Development of a platform that, based on user actions on the site, built analytics for
the client, also, depending on the user's preferences, the platform was able to select product
offers for the user.
Technologies: Angular 11, NGRX Angular Material, Third Party API, HTML 5, SCSS.

Financial platform (No real name because of the NDA)
January 2021 - March 2021
Description: Took part in the development of individual application modules that were
responsible for the confidentiality of user data and hiding them for various users.
Technologies: JavaScript, Bootstrap, Third Party API, HTML 5, SCSS.

Poll / CRM Project (No real name because of NDA)
October 2019 - August 2020
Project Role: Angular Developer
Description: CRM-system on the principle of “Smart City", aimed at ensuring interaction with
residents of various categories. The features of the project are the storage of large amounts of
data, work with personal data, the creation of a contact center and a polling system within the
Technologies & tools: Angular 9, Angular Material, NGRX, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, Third Party API, Git,
Pixel Perfect.

ProArea Digital Agency Website - https://proarea.co/
Project Role: Front-End Developer
Description: It’s a website developed for the digital agency which shows the main areas of work,
technologies, customer reviews and a map with geography of the clients. There were
implemented various complex animations and asynchronous script loading which give a better
page speed for the website.
Technologies & tools: HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, Bootstrap Grid (Custom build), JavaScript, jQuery, Gulp,

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