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20 years

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Max Kutsenko
Full-stack Software Engineer
Technical skills
JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, FastAPI, Flask, ReactJS, NodeJS (ExpressJS, NestJS), MySQL,
MongoDB, Redis, TypeORM, SQLAlchemy, Mongoose

Docker, Docker Compose, Postman, Git, GitHub (ghcr.io), Vercel, Firebase, Jira, Trello
Freelancing | Full-stack developer
January 2021 - now
Contact Developed front end applications to gain experience working with real projects
Solving small problems, both from the frontend and backend, small and large applications, to improve the
Email quality, quickly understand the project architecture and solve the given problem
Solving small problems, both from the frontend and backend, small and large applications, to improve the
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
quality, quickly understand the project architecture and solve the given problem
Phone number
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Golem Agency | Full-stack developer
LinkedIn January 2022 - September 2023
Max Kutsenko Developed the frontend and backend for projects from Germany
Collaborate with other developers to find better solutions and improve code productivity
plinom Monty Quiz | Organizer
Telegram September 2022 - December 2022
@stilldeveloper Brainstormed different tasks for a monty quiz to improve Python knowledge among other students
Collaborate with other developers and Sigma managers to obtain permission to hold the Monty Quiz in

Education Sigma software

2022 - 2024 Projects
UCU | Computer Science User Management System
March 2024 - May 2024
2019 - 2022
Development of a similar application application for registration and login using the
School of programming and robotics mySQL database, only with SQLAlchemy ORM and redis (in-memory database) for
caching users for quick access to them from the cache.
Expertise Link to github: auth-login-app-2.0

Back-end Databases
Distributed Botnet
Front-end APIs
September 2023 - now
Data structures OOP
A distributed botnet for testing network services using three key UI entities (react + vite
with typescript, axios for http requests, ANT ui for custom ui), master - server (crowcpp
initialization of the server itself, crp for http requests with a mySQL database), and a parallel
Languages bot (crp, threads, async cpr), which is managed from the ui side and accordingly throws
asynchronous requests to the target that was specified from the ui. Also, the bot works
English (B2)
on several threads. Also, with dockerized ui, master and bot in differ images in github
Ukrainian (Native) with ghcr.io, and with docker-compose for manage all three entities.
Link to github: distributed-botnet
Certifications | Courses
Authentication System
Generative AI with Lange Language
Models course September 2022 - October 2022
Certificate Developed my application for user login and authorization, also with sending a letter to
the mail in case of password recovery.
Programming foundations with
I improved my skills in connecting the frontend (react) and backend (python - FastAPI),
JavaScript, html, css
writing sql scripts to the database, sending a letter to the mail (smtplib and ssl), writing
e2e tests in back-end side and writing correct http requests both from the client and the
Fundamentals of Java programming
server side. Also frontend and backend dockerization, and publishing packages on github
using ghcr.io, write a docker-compose file.
AI for everyone Link to github: auth-login-app
Movies application
May 2022 - June 2022
Development of an application for movies, with 4 CRUD methods (create, read, update,
delete), using typeORM and express.js framework, with final dockerization.
Link to github: movies-app

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