
HTML-верстальник, 82 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
36 years
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Work experience

Front-end програміст

from 02.2023 to 02.2024 (1 year)
ALTVPN, Дистанційно (IT)

Розробка SPA додатків за допомогою TypeScript/Angular/NGRX та іншого

Angular Developer

from 08.2021 to 07.2022 (11 months)
Computools, Дистанційно (IT)

Company: https://computools.com

As a ghost engineer, I worked on an application for medical personnel. I mainly did refactoring, updated the application version from 7th to 12th, got rid of obsolete code and libraries (jQuery, for example). Switched all existing application modules to Lazy Loading mode.

The second part of job time was "sitting on the bench", but I did not waste time in vain, developed 2 applications:
1. SPA which used open movies API (TMDB)
- Connected and explored the NGXS as a Redux template.
- On the backend side I connected Nest.js and MongoDB, with the ability to SignUp, SignIn and store user data.
- Switching color schemes for all application components.
- Language switching via official API

2. Fitness SPA, with the ability to monitor nutrition, calculating the calories of dishes.
I managed to create only the general structure of the application, the key feature of which was the structure of the calendar, the laid-out response and the presence of the horizontal and vertical scroll function. In 2023, I plan to return to the development and complete this project, for expand my portfolio.

Angular Developer

from 06.2020 to 02.2021 (8 months)
Argoprep, Кам'янське (IT)

Company: https://argoprep.com

Ukrainian product company. Engaged in the development of web and mobile applications in the field of education. Audience - preschoolers and schoolchildren. Using the company's products, including printed literature, they can fully prepare for passing such well-known international exams as SHSAT, GRE, etc.

My Involvement:
Within a minimal development team, we were tasked with developing a new, more modern version of the company's key online product - online learning platform, based on a ready-made design developed in Figma. The design involved the development of 101 unique components, 15 pages, and a complete application architecture from scratch. With what in the end we successfully coped. By the way, 95% of the backend API was already ready at the start of the front-end development. My participation took place from the very beginning of development to the final completion. At the stage of product support, I left the company for personal reasons, without conflicts. It was perhaps the most intense and interesting experience in my life based on the Angular framework

Used Tech & Tools:
Almost all available Angular Material components were taken as a basis, for the Redux Store - NGRX, and the layout was carried out mainly due to the Angular Flex library & SCSS
HTML5 · SCSS· CSS Flexbox · Angular Material · NgRx · Angular · TypeScript · JavaScript

Full Stack Developer

from 01.2017 to 12.2017 (11 months)
Self-Employment, Кам'янське (IT)

Perhaps the most intensive year in terms of developing promotional landing pages.
I offered the development to everyone in close circle whom I knewPerhaps the most intensive year in terms of developing promotional landing pages. I offered the development to everyone in close circle whom I knew

1. Niid Uno [Landing Page. design + development]
Client wanted to sell functional futuristic backpacks through landing page

2. Shvets Lawyer [Landing Page. design + develop]
Developing Landinge Page for my good friend and classmate, lawyer - M. Shvets. I've make an analisis of 10 best jurisprudence landing pages, built structure, wrote texts, built a website (front & backend)

3. Gunfu Martial Art School

4. Green Day [Landing Page. design + develop + content]
Landing Page for a companion ready business. Wood Windows Business niche test. Prototype, design, develop, market and product research.

5. Premium Group [Landing Page. design + develop + content + marketing]
Developing Landing Page for tech company. For the first time developed animating logo and used parallax effect.

6. Jonny Bob [web development + design]
Developing portfolio site for my own. Have some experiments with Greensock library animations and routing through JavaScript without frameworks.

7. Uden - S. Electric Heating [Landing Page. design + development + content + marketing]
Attempt to become authorized dealers of an existing company. "Rejoice in the heat" - that's how we decided to express the main idea of the product. Following the concept of simplicity and laconicism, I have obtained and designed all the main advantages of this product - efficiency, safety and controllability of the heat level. By providing access to the product catalog and offering a free estimate - I increase the loyalty of potential customers, and hence the number of successful transactions.

8. Maldives Tours [Landing Page. design + develop]
Pet project just for new expirience. Inspirational...

9. Voice of Nature [Full site design + development]
Developing site for ecological public organization. First time I've been close to code with PHP and MySQL. Based structure on the MVC pattern.

Used Tech & Tools:

CSS, SCSS, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bower, Bootstrap, Animate.css, Yandex Metrika, Greensock.js, ScrollMagic.js, Google Analytics, Google Maps, PHP, MySQL, nginx, WAMP

ActionScript Game Developer

from 11.2013 to 12.2015 (2 years 1 month)
ActionScript Game Development, Кам'янське (IT)

My early career as a software engineer. Extensive experience in developing games based on Flash Player using the ActionScript language. I worked both for myself and in the offices of several companies (Renatus, GCTech).
- Developed my own 2d engine based on Flash Player and created a full-fledged mini-rpg game on it.
- Took the third place in the competition of game developers among singles.
- Learned the basics of object-oriented programming and design patterns. I applied many of those in my own 2d engine.


Additional education and certificates

друк сліпим методом - Українська мова


друк сліпим методом - Російська мова


друк сліпим методом - Англійська мова


Knowledge and skills

  • Fast typing
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • CSS
  • JQuery
  • TypeScript
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • NgXs
  • HTML
  • GSAP
  • Bootstrap
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Angular
  • GitHub
  • SASS
  • Комунікабельність
  • Верстка

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — above average
  • Russian — fluent
  • English — above average

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