
Акаунт-менеджер (Amazon, Shopify)

28 years
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Work experience

Shopify Account Manager

from 05.2022 to 12.2023 (1 year 7 months)
Shopify Store, Дистанційно (Роздрібна торгівля)

• Shopify store development (minimal or no coding)
• Communication with developers and designers.
• Communication with suppliers.
• Setup and management of Google Ads (basic and medium level)
• Collaboration with Google Ads specialists.
• Customer service
• Overall store management.

Amazon акаунт менеджер

from 07.2019 to now (5 years 2 months)
Amazon Store, Дистанційно (Роздрібна торгівля)

• Product Research: Conducting thorough research to identify potential products for sale.
• Analysis and Approval of Potential Products: Assessing the viability and suitability of products found by researchers.
• Client Communication and Problem-Solving: Interacting with clients to address inquiries, concerns, and resolve issues effectively.
• Management of Negative Reviews: Implementing strategies to mitigate and manage negative feedback about products.
• Preparation of Reports: Generating comprehensive reports on sales, inventory, profits, etc., on a monthly and annual basis using Google Sheets.
• Supplier Research and Negotiation: Identifying potential suppliers, negotiating terms, and establishing wholesale trading accounts.
• Search and Analysis of New Products: Continuously exploring and evaluating new product opportunities in the market.
• Inventory Management: Monitoring inventory levels and initiating replenishment as needed.
• Coordination with Prep Centers: Ensuring efficient handling and processing of inventory.
• Profitability Analysis: Analyzing the profitability of existing products on a monthly basis.
• Payment Management: Managing timely and accurate payments to suppliers and other service providers.
• Team Management: Overseeing and guiding other researchers, including product approval processes.
• European Market Expansion: Developing strategies for sales expansion in European markets and ensuring compliance with regulations.
• Expense Tracking: Documenting all purchases and expenses for financial tracking.
• VAT Reporting: Compiling and organizing data for accurate VAT reporting.

Knowledge and skills

  • Стресостійкість
  • Комунікабельність
  • Здатність до навчання
  • Відповідальність
  • Дисциплінованість
  • Чесність
  • Управління командою
  • Робота в команді
  • Тайм-менеджмент
  • Продаж на Amazon
  • Користувач Shopify
  • Продаж на Ebay
  • Аналіз продажу
  • Конкурентний аналіз
  • Keepa
  • Helium 10
  • Уважність
  • Ведення документації
  • Самоосвіта

Language proficiencies

  • English — above average
  • German — beginner

Additional information


• Keepa
• Seller Assistant App
• Helium10
• Grabley
• Google Sheets
• Microsoft Excel
• Chat GPT
• Miro
• Trello
• Jira
• ClickUp
• Canva


• Responsibility
• Independence
• Problem-solving
• Team management
• Time management
• Adaptability
• Attention to detail
• Analytical thinking
• Negotiation
• Communication

Additional Experience:

• Knowledgeable about Amazon's rules and regulations, ensuring compliance and reducing risks.
• Skilled in researching Amazon's policies to stay updated and make informed decisions.
• Able to apply best practices according to Amazon's policies to improve performance and prevent problems.

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