
Программист . NET

52 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Dnipro, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience


from 07.2005 to now (19 years 2 months)
Archer Software, Dnepropetrovsk (IT)

разработка приложений, проектирование, написание документации


Днепродзержинский Государственный Технический университет

Микропроцессорное управление электроприводом, Днепродзержинск
Higher, from 1989 to 1994 (4 years 11 months)

Additional education and certificates

Компьютерная Академия ШАГ

2002 - 2005

Knowledge and skills

  • .NET Framework
  • MS Access
  • Adobe
  • AJAX
  • CorelDRAW
  • CSS
  • Database
  • Design
  • Firebird
  • Adobe Flash
  • Frameworks
  • Graphic editors
  • HTML
  • IDE
  • Interbase
  • JavaScript
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle Database
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Programming
  • SQL
  • Web design
  • XML


Alexey Tulin

Alexey Tulin

CEO Archer Software, Archer Software

Contact details are hidden

Additional information

Andrey Vlasenko

Komsomolsky avenue , 16/84
Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region, UKRAINE
phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), mob. [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) , [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Date of Birth: 1972, June 29
Marital status:Single

Dneprodzerzhinsky State Technical University, Electrotechnical Systems and Technologies.
Graduated in June 1994.

Computer Academy “Step”
Graduated in September 2004.

Microsoft 070-316
“Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications
with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET”

Programming Environments and Languages:
Programming languages:
•VC++ (MFC)

Programming technologies:
•.NET Framework

Web-design technologies:
•AJAX (a little)

Graphic environments:

•MS Access
•MS SQL Server 2000

Programming IDE:
•MS Visual Studio 6.0
•MS Visual Studio .NET 2003
•MS Visual Studio .NET 2005

Work experience:
July 2005 – up to presentArcher Software
ProjectOblik – CRM,
CRM – Call Centre,
Business Control Center…


Project 1:
Project Name: Oblik – CRM (Reports)
Duration: June 2006 – November 2006
Project Description: Creation of mechanisms of the reports intended for formation of electronic documents on the basis of data, received from system " Oblic CRM " (database – MS SQL, Oracle). Data for construction of the report are taken according to adjustments of filters of the report and processed according to logic of the report.
Role: Creation of mechanisms of the report, design of the report (DevExpress xtraReports), forms of parameters of the user, other.

Project 2:
Project Name: Cantaloupe localization
Duration: May 2006 – June 2006 (Completed)
Project Description: Web project (ASP.NET)
Role: Localization of the project on the Spanish culture, Correction of queries

Project 3:
Project Name: Custom Relation Management - Call Centre
(CRM – Call Centre)
Duration: September 2005 – February 2006 (Suspended)
Project Description: System of CRM targets at the management by the contacts,
projects management on these contacts, documents circulation and project budget Role: Determination of functionality requirements(use case) of the system by facilities of UML Rational, creation of architecture of the system, development of data structure.

Project 4:
Project Name: Business Control Center
Duration: February 2006– April 2006

Russian: native,
Ukrainian: native,
Technical English

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