
Концепт-художник, ілюстратор, 9 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
43 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Lviv, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience

Концепт-художник, художник по персонажам і фонам

from 04.2011 to 12.2014 (3 years 8 months)
Chronos Games, Львов (Ігрова індустрія)

Розробка стиля ілюстрацій, створення ігрової графіки, підгонка ілюстрацій під параллакси.



Образотворче мистецтво, Львів
Higher, from 2000 to 2005 (4 years 10 months)

ЛДКДУМ ім. І.Труша

Оформлення, Львів
Specialized secondary, from 1996 to 2000 (3 years 9 months)

Knowledge and skills

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • CorelDRAW
  • Drawing
  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe
  • Vegas
  • Vegas Pro
  • Adobe Audition
  • Розробка персонажів і фонів для ігор
  • Створення графіки для Flash, підготовка об'єктів для анімації

Language proficiencies

English — average

Additional information

Achievements and Awards:
1999: 1nd Place winner at the dance contest of the Lviv Fine Arts college.

2006: 2nd Place winner Art Contest «City Lviv has 750». nomination “Painting”.

2008: Participation in the Art Project “Grotesque in modern art” in Lviv Museum of ideas.

2008: Participation in the art exhibition «QuickPics» (Saint Petersburg).

2009: 1nd Place winner Chernigov rockclimbing Open Championship.

2011: 1nd Place winner of the international bellydance festivalin «East-west», category “debut”, “improvisation”.

2012: Partaking art exhibition "Reflection" (Kiev, Pechersk gallery).

2013: Solo painting exhibition "Fairy tale for everyone " in
Simferopol Art Museum, Berezhany Regional Museum,
Ternopil Local History Museum.

2014: Solo painting exhibition "Fairy tale for everyone " in
Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life.

2014: 2nd Place winner of International Sand Animation Contest "Прикосновение" (Sand graphic “Bells of the war” and sand art video “Peace and glory for Ukraine”.

2015: 1nd Place winner of International Sand Animation Contest "Прикосновение" (live show “Peace and glory for Ukraine”).

2017: : 1nd Place winner of International Sand Animation Contest "Прикосновение" (Sand painting"Wilhelm Tell"”).

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