
ВЭД менеджер по продажам, закупкам

51 years

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Donetsk region, Gorlovka

Home Tel. [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), mobil [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

QUALIFICATIONexport sales Manager
AIM export sales Manager vacation


15/08/96 –20/12/97г.
Enakievo, DONETSK region, the teacher secondary school number 8,
Teaching of the English language, realization of facultative employment(occupations) on German language, 5-11 classes.
Motive of dismissal - absence of wages.

3/01/97 - 6/04/97
7/04/97 - 15/10/97
15/10/97- 10/02/98
10/02/98 – 15/07/98

15/07/98 – 10/08/99

10/08/99 – 20/11/99
20/11/99 – till present time
The broker of a Trade House SC Stirol, Gorlovka, Donetsk area
The forwarding agent Pharmtorg SC Stirol, Gorlovka, Donetsk area
The Manager on sales of medicines department Pharmtorg
The engineer - researcher of the company "Stirolpharm" (research of pharmaceutical market medicines and raw materials)

The commercial agent of the company "Stirolpharm" (import of raw materials)

The chief of sector "Stirolpharm-Internet-Trade" of the company "Stirolpharm"
The Manager on foreign countries on trade Nitrous oxide (inhalation gas used in chirurgical operations) of the company "Stirolpharm"

Motive of moving - change of a list of staff and reduction of posts.

1991 – 1996

1997 - 2001

1. Pedagogical Institute of foreign languages by Н.К. Крупской,. Donetsk area, speciality the teacher of the French and German languages.
2. Donetsk national university, faculty of economy (management in industrial field), qualification - manager - economist (correspondence form).


Born 21.01.1973, married, daughter 8 years.

Donetsk region, Gorlovka, Shernikova street 21, тел [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Working tel. [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) e-mail:[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION•driving license of a category "В" (experience of driving 5);
•excellent skills of PC (MS Office, Internet, e-mail correspondence), skills of search in Internet;
•flexibility of thinking, independence in acceptance of decisions.
•English language (common); excellent knowledge of the French and German languages; experience of negotiating (synchronous and written translations) with the German, Belgian, French companies.
•experience of realization of negotiation and conclusion of the contracts with English speaking businessmen on the phone and email,
•there is a foreign passport;
In the period of work on SC Stirol took courses of improvement of qualification in following fields:
Foreign trade activity, marketing, finance, customs right.

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