Resume from March 30, 2024 PRO


Project manager, outreach or lead generation specialist, lawyer

Full-time, part-time.
30 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience

Director of Marketing and Outreach

from 09.2021 to 09.2022 (1 year)
Diogenes Solutions, Miami/Kyiv (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

Long story short, I actively utilize platforms like Upwork, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour to find potential clients looking to expand their marketplace presence. I engage in meaningful conversations with investors, business owners, CEOs, and Founders, establishing mutually beneficial relationships.

I implement email campaigns using Skrappio, Snovio, and Yesware to reach a wider audience and ensure personalized communication with prospects.

I conduct comprehensive audits to identify challenges and bottlenecks in clients' strategies. I then provide practical solutions to align their goals and overcome these obstacles.

My approach involves proactive engagement, targeted outreach, and thorough audits to deliver tangible results and help clients achieve their objectives.

Assitant of deputy

from 02.2020 to 09.2021 (1 year 7 months)
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv (Government organizations)

I was actively involved in legislative processes and legal affairs. I worked on amending bills, drafting appeals and inquiries, and providing legal advice on a wide range of legal areas and issues. This required a deep understanding of the law and the ability to analyze and interpret complex legal documents.

I dedicated time to meeting with the electorate, engaging in conversations, and addressing their concerns. This direct interaction with constituents allowed me to understand their needs and priorities, ensuring that their voices were represented in the legislative process.

Participating in parliamentary receptions and attending the commission and working group meetings was also integral to my responsibilities. These engagements provided opportunities to collaborate with fellow lawmakers, exchange ideas, and contribute to policy discussions

Outreach Specialist

from 02.2018 to 10.2021 (3 years 8 months)
Thrive Internet Marketing Agency, Seattle, Washington (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

I leveraged my expertise in Digital Marketing to successfully launch, set up, and scale businesses in marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, Shopify, and Etsy. I provided a comprehensive range of services to cater to my clients' specific needs. Whether they required assistance with Product Listings, SEO, PPC Campaigns, Amazon FBA, Market Research, A+ Content, Brand Optimization, Vendor & Seller Central optimization, or a General or PPC audit, I was able to help them year after year.

Through my knowledge and experience in the field, I helped businesses establish a solid online presence in these marketplaces and optimized their performance for long-term success. I implemented strategic SEO techniques to enhance product visibility, managed and optimized PPC campaigns, conducted thorough market research to gain valuable insights into target audiences, and provided comprehensive audits to identify areas for improvement.

Understanding online marketplaces' unique challenges and dynamics, I tailored strategies aligned with my client's goals and drove meaningful results. I offered ongoing support and stayed up-to-date with industry trends and best practices to ensure my clients received continuous guidance and assistance navigating the ever-changing digital landscape.


from 08.2016 to 02.2020 (3 years 6 months)
LLC DEC "Techniks", Poltava, Kyiv (Mining industry)

In my previous position, I was responsible for drafting various agreements related to leasing, including direct and indirect leases. These agreements encompassed aspects such as lease terms, conditions, and obligations of the parties involved.

Additionally, I handled agreements related to insurance, ensuring that appropriate coverage was in place to protect the parties and their assets. This involved reviewing insurance policies, negotiating terms, and finalizing agreements.

Moreover, I was involved in agreements regarding the installation of natural gas infrastructure. This included compliance with relevant regulations and laws, particularly the CGS (Central Gas System) and the Law of Ukraine "On the natural gas market."

Assitant of deputy

from 02.2016 to 02.2020 (4 years)
Kyiv City Council, Kyiv (Government organizations)

I actively participated in the decision-making process of the Kyiv City Council. I contributed to the drafting and approval of important decisions such as the "Procedure for the revitalization of preschool and extracurricular educational institutions," amendments to the "On local taxes and fees in Kyiv," utilization of funds from the deputy fund, and the "Program for solving deputies' social and economic problems."

I also played an active role in working groups and initiated inspections of the City target program "Electronic Capital 2018-2021." In addition, I conducted deputy receptions and provided consultations to the territorial community of Kyiv city, resolving disputes between business representatives and residents.

Furthermore, I participated in meetings of the permanent commission on communal property of Kyiv city, contributing to discussions and decision-making processes related to this area.

My involvement in these activities allowed me to actively contribute to the development and improvement of policies and programs that directly impacted the community and addressed the needs of the city.


National Law University of Yaroslav the Wise

Faculty of Personnel Training for The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine., Kharkiv
Higher, from 2010 to 2015 (5 years)

I completed the full course and obtained a master's degree in the field "Law" in 2015.
Thereby, had obtained the qualification of Lawyer

Закінчив у 2015 році НЮУ ім. Я. Мудрого, збодув ступінь магістра за спеціальністю "правознавство",здобув кваліфікацію юриста

Additional education and certificates

The second All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. Theortic and legal principles formation of modern medical l

18 жовтня 2013

Legal principles of guaranteeing and protecting the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. Collection scientific article


Knowledge and skills

PC User Adobe Photoshop Jira Trello Google Docs Car driving Slack Google Adobe Google Drive Vegas Vegas Pro XMind Dropbox Trading in foreign exchange futures

Language proficiencies

  • English — advanced
  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent

Additional information

Stress resistance, flexibility, initiative, responsibility. High level of development of practical navigators for a professional, wide range of communicative opportunities in communication, constant negotiations, communication of conflicts, work in a team
Manifestation of the energetic style of behavior, ambition, and leadership qualities.

Readiness for multitasking, creativity, ability to analyze information, systematic thinking using induction, deduction, analysis, and synthesis methods, ability to self-study, general erudition, and written and oral literacy.

A significant willingness to learn!

Стресостійкість, гнучкість, ініціативність, відповідальність. Високий рівень розвитку практичних навичок за фахом, широкий спектр комунікативності у формі спілкування, ведення переговорів, розв'язання конфліктів, роботи в команді
Прояв активного стилю поведінки, амібіційність і лідерські якості.

Готовність до мультизадачності, креативність, здатність аналізувати інформацію, системність мислення із використанням методів індукції, дедукції, аналізу і синтезу, здатність до самонавчання, загальна ерудиція, письмова і усна грамотність.

Готовність і бажання навчатися!

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