Resume from March 13, 2018

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Акушер-гинеколог, 60 000 UAH

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Additional information

First name, Surname : Klymenko Ellina Sergeevna
Mothers and Fathers name: Sergey and Nina
Place of birth: Novuy village,Perevalsk region, Lugansk,Ukraine
Nationality: Ukrainian
Date of birth: 14.07.1964
Age: 50 years old
Marriage status: married to resident of Algeria
Foreign passport: ЕА 435953 issued on 23.11.2007, issued by the Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine, valid till 23.11.2017.
Place of residence:
Country: Ukraine
Contacts : [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Mobile: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
a) middle education (10th form):
At what school (No. …): No. 20
I finished 10 th form. (year?): 1981
Where there is a school (the city …) the settlement. Southern Lomovatka, city of Bryanka, Voroshilovgrad area, Ukraine
B) the higher education:
What Institute / University: Voroshilovgrad Medical Institute
What faculty (course): Medicinal Faculty
Date: 1981 - 1987
1. Internship, specialization, residency, internship:
- in what year? 1987-1988
- in what quality (specialization)? Obstetrician-gynecologist
- in what educational institution, academy, institute, hospital? City hospital No. 3, City of Bryanka, Voroshilovgrad area, Ukraine
2. All advanced training courses, training, retrainings:
- subject Operational obstetrics and gynecology...
- in what year? 1992 (2,5 months)
- in what quality (a position and specialty)? Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital …
- a place of passing of courses (the name of establishment where is)? Lugansk Medical Institute, faculty of improvement of doctors, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Lugansk
Clinical internship on obstetrics and gynecology.
1992 – 1994years.
Lugansk State Medical University, faculty of improvement of doctors, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Lugansk
Precertification cycle on obstetrics and gynecology
1999 (1.03.1999 – 30.03.1999years.)
Lugansk State Medical University, faculty of post degree education, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Lugansk
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital
Course on hysteroscopy and a gynecologic laparoscopy
1997 (1.12.1999 – 14.12.1999years.)
Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital
Obstetrics and gynecology. Precertification cycle.
2004 (one month)
Kharkov Medical Academy of post degree education
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital, Kharkov
Secondary specialization in ultrasonic diagnostics
2006 (2.10.2006 – 29.12.2006 years
National medical academy of post degree education of P.L.Shupika, Kiev
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital
Precertification cycle on obstetrics and gynecology
2007 (3.09.2007 – 28.09.20007years.)
Lugansk State Medical University, faculty of post degree education, department of obstetrics and gynecology
Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of maternity hospital
Modern aspects of a complex assessment of a fetoplacental complex
2007 (0,5 months)
Kharkov medical academy of post degree education, Kharkov
Doctor of Ultra Sound Diagnostics
Ultrasonic diagnostics. Precertification cycle.
2008 (one month)
Kharkov medical academy of post degree education, Kharkov
Doctor of Ultra Sound Diagnostics
Secondary specialization in oncogynecology at the department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University
2010 (22.02.2010 - 22.05.2010years. - three months)
Doctor of Oncogynecology
Base of intervention ultrasound
2012 (01.12.2012 - 30.12.2012years.)
Donetsk National Medical University of M. Gorky, Donetsk
Assistant of the department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University
Colposcopy in diagnosis of pathology of cervix of uterus. Organization of screening of cervix of uterus
2011 (10.102011 – 14.10.2011years.)
Lugansk Regional Oncological Clinic. Lugansk
Assistant to department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University
Topical issues on oncogynecology
2012 (03.01.2012 – 31.03.2012years)
Donetsk National Medical University of M. Gorky, Donetsk
Assistant to department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University
Operational oncogynecology.
2012 (21.05.2012 – 31.05.2012years.)
National institute of a Cancer, Kiev
Assistant to department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University
Main aspects of endoscopic gynecology.
2012 (10.12.2012 – 14.12.2012years.)
National Medical Academy of post degree education of P. L. Shupik, Kiev
Assistant to department of oncology, radiology and transfusiology, Lugansk State Medical University


What languages do you know?

- oral (what languages do you speak)? Russian, English.

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