Personal information hidden

This job seeker decided to hide his personal information and contact info, but you can send a message to him or suggest a job to him.

This job seeker has chosen to hide his personal information and contact info. You can contact him using this page:


City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Other countries, Sumy

Contact information

This job seeker has hidden his personal information, but you can send him a message or suggest a job to him if you open his contact info.

Name, contacts and photo are only available to registered employers. To access the candidates' personal information, log in as an employer or sign up.

Work experience


from 09.2006 to now (18 years)

Управление предприятием.


Сумский нацыональный аграрный университет

Инженерно-технологический, инженер, Сумы
Higher, from 1998 to 2003 (4 years 10 months)

институт высшей квалификации Киевского национального економического университета. Экономика предприятия.

Additional education and certificates

СНАУ, курсы английского языка

2000, 6 мес.

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Управленческие навыки
  • Организаторские способности
  • Планирование

Language proficiencies

English — average


Товстуха Константин

Товстуха Константин

Директор, ПП "Сотня-ТАК"

Contact details are hidden

Additional information

Целеустремленный, комуникабельный.

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