
Embedded developer, 34 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
50 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Remote

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Work experience

Senior Engineer

from 12.2004 to now (19 years 9 months)
HC "Ukrspetstechnika", Kiev (Development, modernization of radar)

• software development for the information processing module.
• software development for a rotary device

- Developed program for microcontrollers: ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32f407), AVR Atmel (Atmega64).
- Developed program for digital processing of signals on the FPGA XILINX family Artix7, Spartan3 in the language VHDL.
- Developed application for managing, displaying information in the Embarcadero RAD Studio XE environment (Builder C ++).

Development of the complex of the security system:
- Developed programs for composite blocks based on Atmel microcontrollers (MCS -51, AVR) and Aduc firms (MCS-51)) and linking them together.
- Developed application for configuring and verifying component blocks in the Builder C ++ environment

C / C ++ Developer

Research Institute "Medintech" (Electronics and Electrical Engineering)
April 2005 - November 2006
• Developed a complex for gathering informationg from external devices. Builder C ++, FireBird DB (SQL). Components of InterBase, InterBaseAdmin, Quick Report. InnoSetup.
• Developed program for devices based on Atmel (MCS-51, AVR)..


1995 - 2001 NTUU KPI Radio Engineering Faculty.

Specialty "Radio engineering"., KIev
Higher, from 1995 to 2001 (5 years 6 months)

Additional information

Development of programs in C, assembler for microcontrollers STM32 (ARM Cortex-M4), Atmel (AVR and MCS-51), Aduc (MCS -51) in the IAR development environment, Atmel Studio, CodeVision . Uses of elements: LCD (text, graphics), ADC, DAC, DUART, flash memory, real-time time, temperature sensor ...
Work with stepper motors. SLIP protocol.
Interfaces RS-232, RS-485/RS-422 , І2С, SPI..
JTAG, ST-link.

Development of programs for FPGA in the Vivado, ISE programming environment in the VHDL language. (for Xilinx Artix7, Spartan3).

Development of a desktop applications on C ++ in the Embarcadero RAD Studio XE environment (Builder C ++). STL, Multithreading. Working with DB InterBase / FireBird (SQL). GIT. RS-232, work with smart cards (memory cards).

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