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Work experience


from 03.2012 to now (12 years 6 months)

Engineer BGA repair soldering technologies

to coordinate BGA repair activities

to provide trainings for new hired employees, related to proper operating with BGA machines

to provide trainings related to recovery technologies the tracks on PCB

calibrating, creating and measuring thermo-profiles for other products, maintenance. Eliminating issue with BGA machines

to provide and control min\max stocks for equipment, spare parts and materials

cooperating with engineering and management Finetech team (Germany) in case of specific equipment issues

RMA coordinator (Return Material Authorization)

communication with customers regarding RMA shipments (returning back for repair finish goods)

control and cooperate with logistics department RMA parts deliveries (before and after repair)

planning capacity for repair RMA activities (repairmen, test station, production line)

providing debug analysis to quality department and customers

Debug and repair Supervisor

shift work organization, repair results reporting to management on daily basis

control, coordination and monitor debug and repair efficiency per project

collaboration with quality, production, IT, engineering group and logistics in order to optimize and speed up the products repair

"5S" system implementation and development

planning personnel to ensure sufficient (necessary) amount of repairmen at the production area.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

Computer Science and Information Technologies, Львов
Higher, from 2006 to 2010 (3 years 8 months)

Language proficiencies

  • English — average
  • Russian — fluent
  • Ukrainian — fluent

Additional information

Personal skills:

the ability for fast learning
skill to work in the team
the experience of management (up to 50 employees)

passed training on legislation on occupational safety, occupational health, first aid to victims, electrical safety and fire safety

Certified Trainer IPC 7711/7721 Rework and Repair application specialist training

Sep 2012 - Sep 2014 RR-T
Feb 2015 - Feb 2017 RR-T 54000074
Dec 2017 - Dec 2019 RR-T 5808177466

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