
Legal counsel, 10 000 UAH

39 years

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Work experience

Legal counsel

from 04.2012 to 09.2018 (6 years 5 months)
"Telefunken Gesellschaft fur drahtlose Telegraphie", Киев (IT-consulting / Services / equipment Manufacturing))

- Conducting contractual and claim-related work .
- Translation of documents and representation of the Company in government, regulatory, judicial and law enforcement agencies, diplomatic institutions, obtaining permits.
Result: systematic application and improvement of my previous experience in practical work.

Assistant Director

from 03.2012 to 04.2012 (1 month)
"Іrkom-EKT", Киев (Industry and Production)

1.Control and administration of the working day of the Manager.
2.Maintenance, verification and control of business correspondence and document flow.
3.Translation of documents and representation of the Company in government, regulatory, judicial and law enforcement agencies.
4.Execution of personal orders of the Head.
Result: obtaining invaluable practical skills in simultaneous interpretation.


Academy of municipal management

Legal, "Jurisprudence"., Киев
Higher, from 2003 to 2008 (4 years 9 months)

After graduating from this state educational institution, he received a law degree in "law" and this completed the course of study of legal disciplines, combined with the skills that I received during practical training.

Knowledge and skills

  • Користувач ПК
  • PC User
  • MS Office
  • Робота з оргтехнікою
  • Тривалий синхронний переклад (Ukr/Eng, Deut/Ukr)
  • Організація ділових переговорів з іноземцями
  • Тривале проживання закордоном
  • Вміння контактувати з "важкими" категоріями населення

Additional information

My personal qualities
Disciplined and erudite.
Stress-resistant, team player.
I have developed analytical thinking.

Hobbies & interests
Football and fencing.
Dogs and jumping.
Is an ardent smoker of cigarettes.
With job offers: "sales Manager", "customer service Manager", "customer support Manager" and "work in Tiens Group" please do not disturb!

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