
Финансовый аналитик

44 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kramatorsk, Sloviansk

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Work experience

Начальник управління

from 11.2007 to now (16 years 10 months)
АБ УКРГАЗБАНК, Славянск (Finance, banking, and insurance)

•Пошук нових корпоративних клієнтів, організація першої зустрічі, налагодження співробітництва, виявлення потреб співпраці, розробка унікальних пропозицій


Донецький Національний Університет

Економічний факультет, міжнародна економіка, Донецьк
Higher, from 1997 to 2002 (4 years 9 months)

Диплом з відзнакою, сертифікат перекладача з англійської мови.

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • MS Excel
  • Пунктуальність
  • Уміння аналізувати

Language proficiencies

English — average

Additional information

Chirakh Inna

Graduation, Donetsk National University, Faculty of Economics, specialization - International Economics (1997-2002)
Since November 2007, I have worked in Donetsk Regional Directorate of "Ukrgasbank" as a head of credit analysis department. In March 2008, I was promoted to the head of sales for corporate clients in Donetsk Regional Directorate of "Ukrgasbank".
•Organizational work on search, analysis, preparation, provision, maintenance and monitoring of loans and documentary operations of legal entities and entrepreneurs;
•Search for new corporate clients, establishing fruitful cooperation with existing corporate clients of the Bank;
•Work with the opening of current and deposit accounts, finding customers to establish pos-terminals;
•Organization of implementation of targets and monitoring their implementation of targets by subordinates of Directorate;
•Search for staff;
•Organization of work motivation and submission of lists of employees for bonuses or pay increase to the leadership;
•Development of strategies and planning parameters for my department for the next period and monitoring their implementation;
•Organization of seminars for employees in subordinate units.
From April 2007, I worked in Donetsk branch of "VTB Bank" as an expert of corporate lendings.
•Search, analysis, preparation, provision, maintenance and monitoring of loans and documentary operations of legal entities and entrepreneurs;
• Formation of insurance reserves;
• Formation of internal reports of the Bank
From April 2006. I worked in Donetsk branch of "VAB Bank" as a chief economist of corporate lendings
From March 2003, I worked in Donetsk branch of "Pravex Bank" as an economist for credit and deposit department.
From October 2002 I worked in an enterprise as an economist.

In sixteen years of my working experience I have learned to work in a team as well as independently, to coordinate the work of subordinates, to achieve the goals with the greatest efficiency, to analyze errors for a possibility of their correction and prevention in the future, to control the quality of work based on experience, to work for the overall best result.

Confident user of Office 2010.

•a quick learner
•a team-player
•analytical mind and good communication skills

Driver's license from 1998

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