
English Teacher (Native Speaker)

Full-time, part-time.
59 years

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Work experience

English Teacher

from 09.2022 to now (2 years)
MAUP, Kyiv (Education and science)

Taught forms 6-10 conversational English, cooperated with classroom teachers to connect lessons with students’ book assignments


from 06.2021 to now (3 years 3 months)
partnertrain.club/ua, Kyiv (Education and science)

taught conversation lessons for adults and teens using
my own topic combining questions combined
with pictures, infographics, and cartoons.
Stress on colloquial idioms and usagethat was both interesting and easily understood by beginning learners.

English teacher

from 09.2020 to 12.2020 (3 months)
Gymnasium A+, Kyiv (Education and science)

English Teacher, Grades 4-5, Offline,
Created smart board presentations using
pictorial content that was interesting and
understandable for beginners


Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Global Affairs, Newark, New Jersey
Higher, from 2002 to 2005 (3 years)

Global Affairs studies international changes through the perspective of governmental, economic, legal, and environmental perspectives.

Montclair State University

Political Science, Montclair, New Jersey
Higher, from 1998 to 2001 (3 years)

The means and methods by which domestic and foreign policy is conducted.

Additional education and certificates

CELTA 5 Certificate,

2016 St. Giles School, New York City

Language proficiencies

  • English — fluent
  • Ukrainian — beginner

Additional information

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Montclair State University Montclair, NJ,
National Merit Scholar, top 0.5% of Scholastic
Aptitude Test (university admission test),
Mayflower Compact Award for the study of
U.S. History, winner, June 1979

MAUP School, Kyiv (2023 - present)
Gymnasium A+, Kyiv (2020)
Study Academy, Kyiv (2019)
Passaic Tutoring, New Jersey (2008-2018)
Rockefeller School of Governance and Public
Policy, State University of New York, Albany, NY
Užupus School, Adamo Mickevičius School,
English Teacher, Grades 6-10, Online
Cooperate with classroom teachers to connect
lessons with students’ book assignments
English Teacher, Grades 4-5, Offline
Created smart board presentation using
pictorial content that was interesting and
understandable for beginners
English Teacher, A1-C1, Offline
Taught classes using a wide variety of text books
Owner, tutor of Reading, Writing, History,
Mathematics, and SAT/GRE university exams
Taught accepted academic standards for style,
organization, and cited materials. Liaisoned with
classroom teachers and parents to insure
coordination of services. Designed learner-based
lessons to address specific academic difficulties
Research Assistant
Analyzed and summarized information on
political campaigns and fundraising practices
Antakalnus School, Vilnius, Lithuania
English Teacher
Designed and introduced English language
programs for more than two hundred students.
Choose textbooks, created lesson plans, and
designed grading system

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