Наладчик холодного штампування, 40 000 UAH
- Employment:
- Full-time, part-time.
- Age:
- 47 years
- City:
- Kyiv
Contact information
The job seeker has entered a phone number , email and address.
Name, contacts and photo are only available to registered employers. To access the candidates' personal information, log in as an employer or sign up.
You can get this candidate's contact information from https://www.work.ua/resumes/6777374/
Work experience
Наладчик холодной штамповки
from 01.1990 to now
(35 years 1 month)
Завод " Маяк", Киев (Машинобудування)
Настройка оборудования.
Secondary, from 1980 to 1989 (8 years 9 months)
Опыт работы 28 лет
Knowledge and skills
- Гарне орієнтування по Києву
Additional information
Возможна разовая работа, есть авто, необходимый инструмент.
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Higher education · Full-time, part-time
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