Resume from May 21, 2024 PRO


Developer, 140 000 UAH

39 years

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Work experience


from 08.2022 to now (1 year 10 months)
Kindgeek, Львів (IT)

iOS developer, released 5 mobile apps.
Swift, MVVM, Combine, Cocoa touch, Multithreading, Alamofire, Moya, Autolayout, SnapKit, Push Notifications, Keychain, Firebase, Strapi, Multilanguage

Team Lead of iOS Department

from 01.2017 to now (7 years 5 months)
Aoza Technologies, Київ (IT)

People management and coordination, requirements gathering/implementation.
Swift, Objective-C. Design and Enterprise patterns. SOLID. GUI design. Client/server and distributed computing.
Project schedule planning, customer communications, interaction.
High load systems development.
UIKit, AFNetworking, Multithreading, Core Data, Autolayout, AVFoundation, VoIP, TwitterKit, FBSDK, Socket.IO, RTMP Streaming, SIP, Push Notifications, In-App Purchase, Google Maps API, REST API, JSON, SQLite, SVN, Git.

Released more than 15 services and mobile applications like fintech, health care, cryptocurrency, exchanger, social media and etc.

Co-founder, CTO, iOS Developer

from 01.2015 to now (9 years 5 months)
Mymobstr LTD, Київ (Mobile journalism platform)

Technologies: Objective C, Swift, UIKit, AFNetworking, AVFoundation, NSNotifications, Google Maps API, Facebook API, REST API

PHP Developer

from 08.2014 to 01.2016 (1 year 5 months)
EvoPlay, Київ (IT)

Technologies: Symfony, Yii2, Mysql, MongoDB, Redis, git

Senior PHP Developer

from 06.2010 to 08.2014 (4 years 2 months)
RedTram, Київ (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

Team Lead of PHP Department

from 04.2007 to 05.2010 (3 years 1 month)
Ukrainian Pay Service, Хмельницький (Payment service)


Хмельницький національний університет

Інформаційні системи та технології, Хмельницький
Higher, from 2002 to 2007 (4 years 8 months)

Language proficiencies

English — average

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