
Менеджер по информационной безопасности

27 years

Contact information

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Work experience

System Tester

from 04.2021 to 06.2021 (2 months)
Privia Security

Backend Web Designer

from 05.2020 to 05.2021 (1 year)
VWeb Design, İzmir (IT)

Internship System Security

from 03.2018 to 08.2018 (5 months)
DMO, Ankara (State Supply Office)

Internship Backend Software Developer

from 08.2015 to 06.2016 (10 months)
Aymet Software, Ankara (IT)


Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute

Sofware Engineering, Kharkiv
Unfinished higher, from 2020 to 2023 (3 years)

Knowledge and skills

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Python
  • Kali Linux
  • CCNA
  • Django
  • OOP

Language proficiencies

  • English — average
  • Russian — average
  • Turkish — fluent

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