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Translator, Personal Assistant, Teacher

34 years

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Vladyslav Pavlov
Date of birth: 17.10.1989
City: Kyiv
Telephone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Work experience
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
from 08.2015 to 06.2016 - Associate Professor KNUTD (Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Economics, Marketing, taught the discipline "Project Management" in English);
from 08.2016 to the present - Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of the National Academy of Management;
from 08.2015 to 09.2017 - KNUTD (Editor of the magazine "Management");
from 09.2018 to 06.2019 - Concordia University (taught the discipline "International Accounting" in English).

Professional experience in the specialty:
from 10.2015 to 11.2017 - manager of foreign economic activity (counterparties - Europe and Asia), non-practicing auditor, translator of the International auditing firm "HLB Ukraine";
from 11.2017 to 05.2019 - Deputy General Director, AF "Consulting LTD" LLC;
from 07.2019 to 02.2021 - General Director of AF "Consulting LTD" LLC;
from 02.2021 to 09.2021 - Deputy General Director of the International Auditing Firm "HLB Ukraine".
from 10.2021 to the present - Deputy Director of LUCAS AUDIT LLC

Educational qualification:
Doctor of Economics, 08.00.03 "Economics and management of the national economy", thesis topic "Strategic vectors of national economy development on the basis of innovation" (Diploma DD 010281, as of 26.11.2020), University "National Academy of Management";
PhD, specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management (by type of economic activity)", thesis topic "Creative technologies in the management system of enterprise development" (DK No. 030667, as of 29.09.2015), Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.
Higher Education
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, 2012, specialty "Economics", Master of Economics;
Kyiv Institute of Translators, 2015, qualification "Translator-philologist of English".

Professional development:
Certificate of advanced training in financial monitoring, issued by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, as of 02.2020;
Auditor's certificate issued by the Audit Chamber of Ukraine, as of 03.2018;
Certificate of advanced training in financial monitoring, issued by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, as of 04.2018.

The main duties performed in professional activities (company HLB Ukraine, AF "Consulting LTD" LLC):
Translation of audit reports, certification of translations with the seal of a translator, negotiations with international clients, checking changes in standards and legislation in relation to auditing, simultaneous translation during quality control, main responsible person during checking by the Public Oversight Body for Audit Activities, representation of the company at international conferences, assistant of the General director.

Professional skills:
Scientific and pedagogical skills, computer skills (confident user), extensive experience in translating texts from/into English, along with consecutive and simultaneous translation.

Personal qualities:
Responsible, punctual, non-conflict, sociable, stress-resistant, team player, I quickly learn new knowledge and skills, lead an active lifestyle, visit the gym, practice capoeira. No bad habits.
Knowledge of languages:
English - expert
French - intermediate
Ukrainian/Russian - native

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