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Копірайтер, перекладач, фіксер, журналіст, прес-секретар, медіаменеджер

58 years
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Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Uzhhorod

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[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) | [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) | Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Professional and driven public relations strategist with 15+ years of experience in communications,
broadcasting, and journalism in university, political, and private sector industries. Proven success at
developing, implementing, and managing print, web-based, and televised media projects.
 Media Relations  Teambuilding  Search Engine
 Campaign Development  Media Management Optimization
 Relationship Management  Fundraising  Social Media Marketing

Head of Public Relations Jan 2021 – Present
Mykolayiv Regional Universal Scientific Library, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
 Collaborates with local media agencies to create television and electronic media projects to
promote the library’s anthologies, which are housed in over 250 branches across the region
 Devised and established an independent television production studio for the library that
regularly produces subject-based programs for local television channels, the library’s YouTube
channel and various social networks
 Authored and produced a joint-project with the region’s most popular channel, NIS-TV, called
"Literary Kitchen", in which a well-known Ukrainian food blogger prepares various dishes found
in fiction novels to promote reading and advertise the library’s services

Author and Host, Counterargument Nov 2019 – Dec 2020
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
 Authored and hosted the 2-hour, prime-time social-political talk show "Counterargument",
which is broadcast live online weekly and televised on weekends on NIS-TV
 Spearheaded the development of the university’s TV studio from which the talk show is
broadcast and recorded, and which serves as an in-house training centre for the university’s
Journalism and Political Science departments

Press Secretary Mar 2018 – Jul 2019
Mykolaiv Regional State Administration, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
 Headed the Press Centre of the region’s State Administration office
 Supervised and approved press releases to be printed, posted online, and televised
 Developed, organized and oversaw a press secretary training program for public relations
managers and press secretaries in the region, and coached program participants upon
graduation from the program

Executive Director Apr 2014 – Dec 2017
National Public Television of Ukraine, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
 Served as Executive Director of the Mykolaiv branch during a period of radical changes in the
country’s broadcasting
 Oversaw the creation of many new television programs focused on burning social issues,
which made the company a national leader in media
 Examples of National Public Television of Ukraine Broadcasts 2014 - 2017

Honours Degree, Russian Language and Literature
Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Course, Practical Web Design
Ukraine National Marine University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Training Program, “Shaping the Future of Europe”
International Renaissance Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Kyiv Institute of
Euro Atlantic Cooperation

Course, Human Rights Issues in Mass Media
Polish Helsinki Group

Communities Cooperation, Charlotte, North Carolina
 Assisted in the editorial board of the printed periodical, as well as for the “Charlotte Magazine”,
“The Charlotte Observer”, and “La Noticia”


Honorable badge for “Services to Mykolaiv Region” 2017

Certificate of Appreciation from the National TV and Radio Council 2016

Nikolaev’s “Citizen of the Year” in Journalism 2016

Certificate of Merit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 2015


 English Language Articles

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