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C# developer

Full-time, part-time.
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Dnipro, Remote

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Work experience

Developer/Independent Contributor

from 02.2007 to now (17 years 7 months)

March – April 2007. ASP/AJAX project. Developing Gmap application: reading coordinates of objects from database and clustering, i. e. selecting needed quantity for visualization

March – October 2007. C#/SQL Server/ASP.NET AJAX project. Developing Kakuro puzzle generating program. Developing algorithm of generation grid, and filling them by numbers, which satisfy kakuro rules. Developing database reading-writing, threading, online game.

October – November 2007. Windows Forms project. Creating control on UserControl basement for list of images. Completion of drag and drop among images w/transparency; function to delete images; insertion of line break and Page Label; Page Label raise event on click; optimization of loading many images with using of multi-threading.

February – April 2008. Windows Service project. Creating video converter service: delivering video to windows service by remoting. Converting videos by external apps.


from 09.2001 to now (23 years)
Education and science

викладання дисциплін
Програмування, Комп. графіка, Управління розробкою програмних виробів, Функціональне програмування, Системи управління базами даних


Дніпродзержинський державний технічний університет

Електроніки та компютерної техніки, прикладна математика, Дніпродзержинськ
Higher, from 1996 to 2001 (4 years 10 months)

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