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Python engineer

39 years

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Beetroot Academy
08.02.2021 — 12.02.2021

University of the state fiscal service Ukraine
2010 – 2013
Bachelor's degree, Finance and Credit, B

State University of Telecommunications
Oleksiy Kaplun 2004 — 2008
Python developer Master's degree, Protection of information in information systems and
I am a python developer with 1+ years A+
of embed development and 2+ years
of commercial experience in web
development. Worked on different WORK EXPERIENCE
projects as a backend developer. StarLightMedia - Python developer
Have experience in frontend 01.03.2021 — to date
development. As a backend Create python database multiservices/application
developer, i have been working with
RESTful api's, development of local- StarLightMedia - CSO(security systems engineer)
based desktop applications, SQL, 2017 — to date
PostgreSQL database, asynchronous Security cluster administration and support. Implementation of safety
and scheduled WEB-based backend systems. Document flow
processing applications. As a frontend
deweloper, i create simple JS and Intteks – CTO (Chief Engineer)
React web applications which 2007 — 2017
connected to rest based backends or Full cycle of implementation of technical security systems. Service
cloud infrastructure. Center Management. Development of security systems
Looking for a remote job as a backend
developer. Preferably would like to
work with technologies like Python, TECHNICAL SKILLS
Django, REACT, DRF, FastApi,
RESTful, SQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Lang/Libraries/Modules/Frameworks:
Celery, Socket, Threading, Python, Django, RESTful, FastApi, Asyncio, Celery, Threading,
Multiprocessing, embed Python Ex, Multiprocessing, Beautiful Soup, JS(basic), REACT(basic),
Scrapping, Logging, NumPy, BSoup, CSS(flaxbox, grid), Bootstrap5, HTML, MySql, SQLite, Postgress,
TensorFlow. mongoDB(cloud), Redis, OS, SYS, Argparse, Tkinter, PyQt, Socket,
Decimal, Random, Struct, Array, Doctest, PyTest, Unittest, PyUSB,
CONTACT DETAILS: HIDUSB, Embed Python Ex, Logging, NumPy, Matplotlib.
PHONE: Additional:
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Win, Linux(Ubuntu), Heroku, AWS, GitHub, Docker, Postman,
PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Slack.
http://akst.s3-website.eu-central- TECHNICAL BACKGROUND:
---Electrical and electronics engineer.
Analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics,
embedded systems, solid-state physics, radio engineering,
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, systems
engineering, computer engineering, instrumentation engineering,
HOBBIES: electric power control, robotics.
Python robotics projects
Personal electric transport DIY ENGINEER:
Repair specific electronics Personal electric transport, audio amplifiers, raspberry pi embedded
Motorcycles programming, CNC machining assembly processing, welding(tig, MIG,
MMA), solid works design, EASYEDA design and manufacturing,
LANGUAGES: assembly of metal structures and mechanisms.
English(intermediate), UA, and

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