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Age:__________32 (01.01.1990)
Phone __________[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail:[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Living:__________Lutsk (Volyn,Ukraine)
Languages:__________English – Upper Intermediate

Getting a job with a stable income. Acquisition of new and implementation of existing skills for
further development.

 Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University (2007-2012)

 Complete higher education in the field of: "International Economic Relations", "World
Economic Conjuncture"
 Defended Bachelor's work "Aspects of developing multinational business"
 Defended Diploma’s work "Liberalization of monetary policy of Ukraine in terms of
economic stabilization"
 Qualified: international economist, translator of foreign languages: English.

 LLC "FILLER" (Production of carbonate filler) Rivne, Ukraine.
 Director of the enterprise (2019 - 2022)

 HR
 control of production activities of the enterprise, finance, law,
 planning, development, resource saving,
 introduction of new production technologies.

 VIP-Aquarel LLC (Extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals) Mlyniv,
 Commercial Director (2016 - 2019)

• development of B2B activities of the company,
• concluding promising contracts, monitoring the implementation of contracts,
• planning and development of commercial activity of the enterprise.

 PE "Trans-Atlas" (International Freight) Lutsk, Ukraine.
 International Freight Forwarder (2013 - 2016)

• preparation and regulation of cargo transportation;
• creation of the safest and shortest route for cargo transportation, selection of appropriate
• registration of documentation, verification of its correct registration, accounting;
• control over the work of vehicles and drivers, coordination of their work;
• preparation of all documents for transportation through customs, accounting for the receipt and
disposal of goods;
• presents invoices to customers under the terms of the contract for certain operations;
• registration of the order on transportation, calculation of cost of transportation of freights on
 Recreational complex "Silver Storks" (Hotel Business) Lutsk, Ukraine.
 Hotel Administrator (2011 - 2013)

• control over efficient service and ensuring a comfortable stay of guests;
• preparation of accompanying documentation (contracts, acts, invoices),
• personnel management and organization of their work;
• monitoring and evaluation of the activities of service companies;
• preparation of incoming and outgoing documentation, negotiations with domestic and foreign
companies on mutual cooperation.

Skills and abilities
 Experience in creating and managing a team for a common result
 Experience in implementing and improving the existing production capacity of the enterprise
 Experience in developing and analyzing methods for developing financial aspects of the
 Experience in business management in times of financial and global economic instability
 Developed analytical and research skills in terms of company development and improving
 Strategic thinking with the selection of key points to achieve the goal
 Experience in creating and configuring sites on CMS Opencart and Wordpress
 Practical skills in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro
 Confident PC user, have theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work with programs:
Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Internet,
 Participant in the international program for the exchange of experience Work and Travel USA
2009 (Santa Clara, California)
 Driver's license category B.

 Page 2 | [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

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