
Recruiter, 20 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
27 years

Contact information

The job seeker has entered a phone number, email and LinkedIn.

Name, contacts and photo are only available to registered employers. To access the candidates' personal information, log in as an employer or sign up.

Work experience

Nail master

from 02.2015 to 07.2022 (7 years 5 months)
Self-employed nail master, Kyiv (Public and business services)

Management of all business processes. Search for clients. Service


Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

International tourism
Higher, from 2014 to 2019 (5 years)

Additional education and certificates

Genius.Space courses HR-manager

June 2022

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — average

Additional information

A qualified nail master, who is willing to use my communication skills to find and recruit employees for your company.

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