
Сервисный инженер, 15 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
36 years

Contact information

The job seeker has entered a phone number, address and Facebook.

Name, contacts and photo are only available to registered employers. To access the candidates' personal information, log in as an employer or sign up.

Work experience

Директор СЦ

from 10.2014 to 06.2020 (5 years 8 months)

Additional education and certificates

Power on & coaching by Igor Graf

2015, 2017

Knowledge and skills

  • Пользователь ПК
  • Настройка программного обеспечения
  • Ремонт ПК
  • Приготовление на мангале
  • Продажи и закупки и диагностика техники
  • Диагностика, сборка, профилактика компьютеров и ноутбуков
  • Диагностика и ремонт техники

Language proficiencies

  • Russian — fluent
  • Ukrainian — above average
  • English — beginner

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