Resume from April 1, 2024 File


Full-stack React, TypeScript, Node.js developer

35 years

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Lebid Mykola
Full-stack Node.js developer

Contact information

Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) (Telegram)
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Skype: realkolos
LinkedIn: profile
Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
Date of birth: 25.03.1989
Full-stack Node.js React developer

Skillset * HTML and CSS layout (semantic HTML, Grid and Flexbox, module CSS);

* JavaScript (working with data structures, DOM-elements, Fetch, promises, ECMA Script +6 features,
styled-components, RegExp, etc). Experienced task solver;

* Managing project with Git and Github (add, commit, push, branches, pull requests, etc);

* Using Prettier and Eslint as helpers during project development;

* React (React-Router, hooks, Components, JSX-syntax, using local State and passing Props, creating
and deploying project with node.js and create-react-app);

* Experience with react-native mostly with a pet projects but with solid insight;

* Web site crawling with Puppeteer and Selenium;

* Commercial experience with using Effector as state manager;

* Feature Sliced design project architecture;

* Creating 3D scenes by means of WebGL technology and react-three-fiber library;

* Node.js (npm scripts and npm package managers, node.js server with basic functionality and data
validation with yup);

* Secure Node.js user authentication system with usage of JWT and {json:api} compliance.
Encrypted password storing in the DB with bcrypt and a secure authentication process;

* Experience with PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases;

* Experience with Firebase (auth, functions, firestore, database, etc) along with Reactfire to alleviate
some use cases;

* Building front-end applications with mui;

* Harnessing of TailwindCSS to build astonishing Front-end applications;

* Working with WebGL technologies by means of react-three-fiber library to build 3D presentational
scenes in the browser;

* Experience with using Redis for caching purposes;

* Using Web Sockets for building online back-end services;

* Practical experience in using Elasticsearch search engine and its possibilities;

* Redux and Redux Toolkit State management, performing asynchronous actions and AJAX requests
with Redux Thunk and RTK Query;

* Saga as an alternative tool to thunk for performing asynchronous requests;

* TypeScript (able to declare types and using TypeScript during complete project development);

* Working with API clients (fetch and axios). Have practical experience with CRUD operations. Here is
an example of consuming 3rd party API and building an application with an infinite scrolling feature
upon it;
Lebid Mykola
Full-stack Node.js developer

* Using Google services like Google places and Google Maps API;

* Application layout with React Bootstrap, using Bootstrap components for project development;

* Performance optimization and data memoization with Reselect;

* Using Formik or React-Final-Form to build page forms;

* Unit testing with Jest;

* Ackweintance with Docker (images, containers, CLI commands, Dockerfile and instructions, Hosted

* Using Gatsby framework to create Company website;

Pet projects / IT * Online Game: Paper Battleships built with mui, heroku and firebase.
related educational * PostgreSQL, Express, Node.js, React Fullstack application with built-from-scratch JWT authentication
practice system and using Redis, deployed on Heroku.

* Full-fledged Front-end resource for my friend-designer;

* Simple but useful Notification timer with an animated progress bar and persisting state between
page reload.

* Managing transaction tabular data (technical task | login/pass: test / 666666);

* Admin panel for bicycle booking service (technical task);

* Web-developers database lookup Elasticsearch application;

* Company website for my previous job occupation.

* Technical task which allowed me to get the job as React-three-fiber developer.

* Technical task for React-native position (firebase, styled-components,
react-native-elements and reanimated stack, crud operations)

Languages English (fluent). Ukrainian (fluent). Russian (native speaker).

Education National Mining University (National TU Dnipro Polytechnic );
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
2006 - 2011

IT courses: React way of Samurai, Web Dev Simplified free Lectures, freeCodeCamp lectures, online textbook, Grokking algorithms, Get Programming with Node.js, Nodeschool
workshops, Vladilen Minin JavaScript lectures and Marathon, official documentation presentations
and educational lectures, Edx courses, etc.

Working experience DevGears Pro

Title: Front-end React Developer
Period: April 2022 - April 2023

Panda Team

Title: Front-end React-three-fiber developer
Period: May 2023 - Sep 2023

Lebid Mykola
Full-stack Node.js developer


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