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QA Engineer

37 years
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Alina Trygub
QA Engineer
An energetic and motivated QA beginner with a strong desire to learn and grow

Hard skills: Work Experience
Junior manual QA at Skein
Knowledge of software QA
methodologies, tools, and processes (November 2023-March 2024)
Experience writing checklists, bug
Team: 1 Backend Developer
reports, and test cases 1 Frontend Developer
Worked with Jira bug tracking 1 Project manager
1 QA
systems, Confluence, Trello 1 Team Lead
Basic knowledge of testing API Responsibilities:
Basic knowledge MySQL Requirements Analysis
Web and mobile application testing (iOS,
Understanding of SDLC Android)
Practical experience with Writing bug reports
methodologies: Scrum, Kanban Сreating suggestions for improving
Assisting in test documentation
Soft skills:

analytic thinking; Trainee manual QA at TLV Generator
attention to details; (July 2023-Oсtober 2023)
emotional intelligence;
Team: 2 Backend Developers
self-management; 2 Frontend Developers
agility; 2 QA
1 Team Lead
hardworking; Responsibilities:
strong communication skills Requirements Analysis
Web testing
Writing bug reports
Assisting in test documentation
Ukrainian - Native Education
English - Intermediate
Mentorship program
Practical training with a mentor QA:
Contacts: Improving practical skills in working with
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Postman
Practice of test design techniques
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Telegram: @alina_tt Course:
In: alina-trygub-7a111a229/ Beetroot academy “QA manual” (2022)
Kharkiv National Agrarian University named
V. V. Dokuchayev

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