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Програміст PHP


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Способы связаться
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Vladislav Sverchkov
Backend PHP Developer (commercial bank)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Украина
sverchkov-43628166 (LinkedIn)

Общие сведения
Основные навыки
PHP Professional skills
JavaScript • PHP: OOP – Patterns, Symfony(Sonata)
MySQL • JavaScript: OOP – Patterns; MVC Backbonejs; DOM; Nodejs;
Languages Trained in IT Academy of Companies "SoftServe".
Русский (Native or Bilingual) The training period: from March 2012 – to August 2012 – Basic
Английский (Limited Working) course (Software Development).
From December 2011 по March 2012 – individual course.
During training, the following training projects carried out in the
development environment
The level of system administrator.
• Unix/Linux:
- Installation and configuration Internet Gateway
- Installation and configuration services: Bind(DNS), Squid(Proxy),
WWW(Apache), SMTP, POP, VPN,SSH, IP Chains, IP Table,
• Windows:
- Installation and configuration servers, domains
• LotusNotes
• Equipment: CISCO(switches, firewalls), ATI(switches)

Additional information
•Driving license category «B»
•Two children
•Good learning
•Rapid recovery skills

Опыт работы
мая 2012 - Present (10 лет 3 месяца)

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- Software Backend Development PHP: OOP – Patterns, Symfony, Symfony
4(Sonata Admin Bundles), Doctrine ORM, MYSQL, Redis, MongoDb, Docker,

Ltd. «City-Holding installer»
Design engineer
января 2011 - мая 2012 (1 год 5 месяцев)

- The System Administrator UNIX/LINUX(TCP/IP, DNS, Apache, SQUID, SSH)

Ltd. «Computer Help»
Chief engineer
января 2008 - января 2011 (3 года 1 месяц)

- The System Administrator UNIX/LINUX(TCP/IP, DNS, Apache, SQUID, SSH)

Design department «THETA»
Lead Engineer Commercial Department
января 2007 - декабря 2008 (2 года)

- Work with potential and existing customers according to the methodology of
(SOA Governance)

Ltd. «Centaur-Electronics»
Chief engineer
января 2005 - января 2007 (2 года 1 месяц)
Russia, Kursk

- Installing and configuring the PBX
- Creating a LAN

Public office «A single payment processing center»
Deputy Head of Division of ACS
января 2002 - января 2004 (2 года 1 месяц)
Russia, Kursk

- Implementation and support 1S
- The System Administrator (Windows domain, Linux – Internet Gateway)

National enterprise «Dniprocosmos»
Head of the Department of automation information system
января 2001 - января 2002 (1 год 1 месяц)

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- The System Administrator(Windos, Linux серверы);
- Participation in projects for the creation of data transmission systems;

The main information-commercial, scientific and industrial center of
the region
Senior Systems Administrator
января 2000 - января 2001 (1 год 1 месяц)

- The System Administrator(Linux, LotusNotes);

CJSC with foreign PFC«Unified Energy System of Ukraine»
The System Administrator
января 1997 - января 2000 (3 года 1 месяц)

- The System Administrator(Linux, LotusNotes);
- Assistant System Administrator ORA DBA
- Participation in the project to establish a transport network data (protocol

IT Academy of Companies "SoftServe"
developer, Java · (2012 - 2012)

Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport
Computer Engineering, Computer and Intelligent Systems and Networks,
Dnepropetrovsk · (1991 - 1995)

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