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Network engineer, system administrator, programmer

25 years

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Ihor Radetskyi
(Nineth of January 1999)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
PJATK Warszawa (2017-2019)
CS department:
Java, C++, Databases, PL/SQL, Linux, management and marketing, English, ect
Sedicomm University (2019-2020)
Cisco CCNA, IoT, IoE, Intro to Cybersec.
Foxminded (2 month)
Frontend + React course

batyevka.net (2018 – 2022)
System and network administrator, programmer, servdesk specialist
PHP, Perl, JS, Laravel, Python, Bash, linux, vmware esxi, asterisk, bind9, radius, Juniper, Cisco, google cloud console, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, BGP, DNS, TCP/IP, GRE, NAT, Zabbix, rsync, IPSEC


Looking for the interesting and perspective job. Too gain a lot of enjoy from development and integration, become a part of friendly people community.

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