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Android Developer
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Артем Пелевін

@opacare OpacareAngelus

I am a passionate Trident| May 2023 - current
Android developer who The full cycle of developing small applications, with a
is inspired by achieving primary focus on working with business logic, user
interface, and server requests. My role involved analyzing
technical excellence. My requirements, designing and implementing business logic,
diligent attention to developing and maintaining the user interface, as well as
detail allows me to interacting with the server for data exchange. My skills
include a deep understanding of software development
create applications that technologies, effective communication and teamwork,
are distinguished by and the ability to quickly learn and adapt to new
requirements and technologies.
quality execution, and
my ability to work in a
team contributes to EDUCATION
collective success. For
Sh++, 2022: September-December
me, Android is a place
Android Development
of limitless opportunities.
I enjoy using this Sh++, 2022: May-August
platform to create Computer Science
applications that help
solve real-world HARD SKILLS
problems for people. GIT, Postman,Trello\Jira, Google Play.
The opportunity to Java,Kotlin.
Android SDK, Gradle, Groovy.
create and refine XML,Compose
programs to improve OOP, MVVM, MVC, MVI, MVP.
Multithreading, Coroutines, RxJava
users' lives is the most StateFlow&SharedFlow, LiveData.
valuable aspect of my REST API, Retrofit2, Okhttp 3.
SQLite, SharedPref, Jetpack DataStore, MMKV, Hawk, Room, Firebase.
work. Koin, Hilt, Dagger2
WebView, Appsflyer, OneSignal.

Proactivity, analytical mind, critical thinking, responsibility, ability to
learn quickly, ability to teach others, independence, problem solving,
UKRAINIAN – NATIVE sense of humor, adaptability, good communication, organizational
skills, teamwork, ability to delegate.

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