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Unity 3D-програміст

22 years

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Illya Levchenko
Junior Unity Developer
Address: Ukraine, Mykolaiv
Phone (Viber, Telegram): [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
GitHub: https://github.com/dinoland375
Project overview: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTshMD6ODwlMya7K9_tZl3yI3JiU8cuh4

 OOP
 Unity
 GitHub
 Trello

PROJECTS  A small game like Mario (platformer)
 Puzzle game (https://github.com/dinoland375/PuzzleTT)
 Are You Try (https://github.com/dinoland375/Are-You-Try)
 Ball 3D (https://github.com/dinoland375/ball3D)
 Fruits Conveyor (https://github.com/dinoland375/FruitsConveyor)
 3D Arena (https://github.com/dinoland375/Arena)
 Industrial (https://github.com/dinoland375/Industrial)

Unity Developer
Feb/2022 - Present
 Learning Unity 
 Working with Unity documentation
 Sound and effects
 Characters animation
 Gameplay mechanics
 Developing responsive UI for multiple resolutions using uGUI 
 Creating own game projects from scratch

C# and Unity Developer
Feb/2022 - Present
Unity Learn
C#, OOP, GitHub, Trello

Operation of means of mechanization and automation of
transshipment works.
September 2017 – April 2021
Mykolayiv Construction Vocational College
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
LANGUAGES  Ukrainian
 Russian
 English (A1-A2)

ADDITIONAL Completed tutorials on unity learn website and made some a small games
INFORMATION where I learned gameplay mechanic, sound and effects, particles, UI and
then I created own mini-games.
Working with GitHub I created branches, pull requests and merged them
into the main branch.

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