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Andrii Maksymenko

Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Telegram: https://t.me/AndreyMaksimenko81
LinkedIn: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Applying for a position of a QA Manual Engineer

I am a purposeful and highly motivated person who quickly adapts to new conditions. My
qualities, such as sociability, discipline and reliability, allow me to effectively carry out my tasks. I am
diligent, organized and attentive to details, which contributes to obtaining the most effective result. I
want to constantly improve my skills.

English Proficiency: Pre-Intermediate
Test Management Systems: TestRail
Bug Tracking Systems: Jira
OS: Windows, Android
Tools: Dev Tools, Pict, CMD, Selenium IDE, Jmeter, Git, Charles, Jenkins
Understanding in testing of Web Applications, Mobile Applications (Charles)
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, SQL
Basic knowledge of API (Postman, Swagger, SOAP UI)
Understanding in writing Test documentation: Test Plan, Checklists, Test Cases, Bug Reports, RTM
Understanding in using different Test Design techniques
Understanding the Architecture of Client-Server Applications
Understanding of HTTP, HTTPS, request, response, XML, JSON
Understanding of cash/cookie, URI (URN, URL)
Understanding of Bug Life Cycle
Understanding of SDLC and STLC
Agile (Scrum, Kanban) methodology understanding
Knowledge of the QA Methodologies and Approaches
Experience in installing, reinstalling and configuring operating systems (Windows) and software

1998-2004 – National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic
Specialization: intelligent decision making systems (Computer Science)
Qualification: system analyst engineer
Level: specialist

Additional Education
2022 – SkillUp IT Specialists Training Center
C our se: Softw ar e testing ( O nl ine c our se)
Description: Learning of theory and practice of levels and types of tests, creating test documentation
(test case, check list), specifications and user story, test design technics, bug reporting, HTML, CSS,
Mobile Application Testing, Web Application Testing, API, HTTP, SQL queries.
Obtaining a certificate only after completing all homework and successfully passing the exam.
2022 – Telesens Academy
C our se: Q ual ity A ssur anc e C or e manu al testing ( I n c l ass c our se )
Description: Learning of theory of basic concepts of testing, basic software development models, levels
and types of tests, test documentation, specifications and user story, test design technics, bug reporting,
Mobile Application Testing, Web Application Testing.
Obtaining a certificate only after completing all homework and successfully passing the exam.

2021 – International Marketing Business Academy
C our se: Digital M ar k eting ( O nl ine c ou r se)
Description: Learning of theory and practice of Business strategy and planning, content creation,
E-mail marketing, SEO, PPC, Digital Display Advertising, SMM, targeting, Web Analytics.
Obtaining a certificate only defending a project for a set of measures in digital marketing.

Work Experience
June 2010 – April 2022 – Forensic Expert, Kharkiv Scientific
Research Expert Forensic Center Ministry of Internal Affairs of
Main responsibilities:
 Conducting research and drawing up expert opinions on the direction of human voice and speech
 Conducting research and drawing up expert opinions in the direction of establishing the
circumstances of road accidents by video recordings
 Examination of audio and video recordings for signs of editing
 Establishing the content of conversations
 Setting up recording equipment
 Writing scientific articles and publication in scientific journals
 Maintaining a collection of people's voices and speeches
 Document preparation and correspondence with other departments
 Monitoring compliance with methodological recommendations and other legislative acts
In addition to my main job, I was a specialist in installing, reinstalling and configuring operating
systems (Windows) and software.

April 2008 – May 2009 – Technical Specialist, Maxi Games LTD.
Main responsibilities:
 Repair and maintenance of slot machines
 Maintaining the functionality of slot machine software
 Collection of slot machines

May 2004 – February 2007 – Wholesale sales manager, Allo LTD.
Main responsibilities:
 Interaction with wholesale customers
 Implementation of wholesale sales of recharge cards and mobile phones
 Maintaining a customer base
 Accounts receivable control
 Making reports

Additional Information
Professional interests: Reading of professional books and Web-sources, learning English
Military obligation status: reserve officer
Family status: married
Having children: daughter
Interest and hobbies: Formula 1 racing

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