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NET-програміст, Full-stack developer

43 years
Other countries

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Ivan Myroshnychenko
E-mail : [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Phone : [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Address : Hinterm Jägerhaus 4, 36088 Hunfeld

Work experience
Apriorit sep 2019 — dec 2022
Software Developer
Project summary: CRM for school supply chain.
● Prepare technical solution for new features, research
● Project code infrastructure for building, testing and publishing application
● Implement new features.
● Code review, merge, bugfix.
• C#, Angular 13, Material UI, Formly, Entity Framework, MS SQL, Cypress

Project summary: CRM System for the treasury department
● Prepare technical solution for new features, research
● Project code infrastructure for building, testing and publishing application
● Implement new features.
● Code review, merge, bugfix.
● ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, MS SQL, Cypress

Apriorit sep 2015 — sep 2019
Automation Test Engineer
Project summary: Sale/Helpdesk platform
● Implementation and refactoring auto tests
● C#/.Net, MS SQL, Selenium

Project summary: desktop virtualization solution
● Implementation and refactoring auto tests
● Implement client-server auto-tests
● Configuration CI/CD, environments
● C#/.Net, MS SQL, Selenium, MS Access, White, AutoIT, MS Test

Apriorit sep 2013 — sep 2015
Manual Test Engineer
Project summary: desktop virtualization solution
● Create new test cases and check lists for developers
● Create tickets for issues
● Estimate new features.

Ivan Myroshnychenko 1
Operation systems:
• Windows
• Linux
• Android
• iOS

Other 2003 — Sep 2013
System Administrator

● Full cycle product development experience: from architecture creation to installation

● Relational database architecture and development
● ASP.NET web development
● ASP.NET Core web development
● Using object-oriented methodology, client-server architecture, multi-threading
● JavaScript (Angular, React) development of single-page applications
● Unit testing, TDD, automation testing;
● Work with legacy code;
● Continuous integration and deployment;

Technical Environment
Operation systems: Windows
Languages: C#, JavaScript, SQL (T-SQL)
Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Forms, WCF, IIS, ASP.NET Core, LINQ, multi-
threading, ADO.NET, Entity Framework, SQL Server profiler, Asp.NET Identity, React, jQuery, React Native, Bootstrap,
HTML, CSS, SASS, MS SQL Server, MS xTest, xUnit, Selenium, Cypress, White, GIT, SVN, TeamCity.
● Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, ReSharper;
● SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Profiler;
● TeamCity;
● Git (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), SVN (TortoiseSVN)

Protection of information with restricted 1998 — 2003
access and automation of its processing
Dnipro University of Technology

Web Application development 2018
Apriorit, Dnipro (Ukraine)

Software development in Python 2017
Apriorit, Dnipro (Ukraine)

Quality Assurance 2013

Ivan Myroshnychenko 2
Apriorit, Dnipro (Ukraine)

Software development in Java 2010
IT Step, Dnipro (Ukraine)

I love my job because it gives you the opportunity to learn new things, requires you to constantly move forward, and gives
you the opportunity to solve interesting problems.

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Ukrainian (native)
Russian (native)
English (intermediate)

Ivan Myroshnychenko 3

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