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Full stack software enginee, Frontend Developer

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Taras Pustovyi
Full Stack developer

Hello, I’m Taras
Software Developer with a half year of full-time practice in Web Development,
significant experience in Project management, and communications, working in
English-speaking international teams, and having Upper-Intermediate level of
English. Got a Master’s degree in Radiophysics and electronics. Specializing in
front-end and back-end development.
I have had an interest in technology since childhood, have had management and
programming experience with Basic and Pascal, have done extensive self-study
and practical courses, and have a higher technical education. All these factors
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) combined make me a worthy candidate in the field of IT.

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) I am familiar with JS, TS, React, CSS/HTML, Sass preprocessor, and adaptive
LinkedIn markup skills. Have good basic knowledge in Node.JS. Eager to improve my skills,
learn new technologies, methodologies and stay up-to-date with Web
Telegram development trends. I also learn quickly and have strong skills in teamwork, team
management, and communicating with people because of my great experience in
big productions of TOP rated Ukrainian and international TV projects. I am now
interested in learning Vue/Angular/ReactNative/Python

Full Stack developer Typescript, JavaScript (ES2015 - 2019)
Mate Academy React, Redux
2022 - 2023 HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), BEM, Bulma, Swiper, Husky, Prettier
Node.JS, Express, Sequelize
Certified Associate in Project Fetch, REST API, SQL
Management (CAPM) Git/Github, VS Code, WebStorm, Chrome Developer Tools (incl. React), NPM,
Webpack, Trello, Jira, PyCharm
ITEA/PMI Ukraine Chapter
Linux, Windows, macOS
2000 - 2000 Scrum, Waterfall, Agile, Project road mapping, Gantt charts, Kanban boards,
Code reviews
Master’s degree in Algorithms: Solved 76 katas on CodeWars (6kyu) and 140 of the same katas on
Radiophysics and Electronics the Mate academy platform
Donetsk National University Basic OOP understanding
Basic Python knowledge
2002 - 2007
Basic of Pascal (Borland Pascal)

Leading TOP TV projects reached
constantly more than 18% average
Full Stack developer 2022-now
rating Responsibilities:
Reached new deep technical skills Developing front-end website architecture.
from about ‘0’ level in JS, TS, React, Designing and developing user interactions on web pages.
Node.JS during almost a year of daily Developing back-end website applications.
practice. Creating servers and databases for functionality.
Reached TeamLead role in the group Ensuring cross-platform optimization for mobile phones.
project during practice. Ensuring responsiveness of applications.
Working alongside graphic designers for web design features.
Seeing through a project from conception to finished product.
Designing and developing APIs.
LANGUAGES Plan Scope Management.
Meeting both technical and consumer needs.
English: Upper-Intermediate Infrastructure and internal states logic interaction development.
E-commerce (Phone Catalog for
retailers) (SCSS, HTML, React, TS,
Project Manager/Executive Producer 2012-2022
ESLint, Node.JS, Netlify, Swiper, Responsibilities:
Husky, Prettier, Express, Sequelize). Complete technology and product development, project life cycles, and post-
Team lead and developer role. Plan Scope Management.
Demo GitHub Code Plan Schedule Management.
Plan Cost Management.
Determine Budget.
Landing page for retail MyBike (HTML,
Control Costs.
Plan Resource Management.
Estimate Activity Resources.
Developer role.
Develop Team.
Demo GitHub Code
Manage Team. 400+
Plan Quality Management.
Adaptive application with API ToDo Manage Communications.
React). Minimalist Todo list with API Projects:
where user can store and manage his “Media Group Ukraine” Ukraine TV channel, Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
plans to do. Key accomplishments:
Started international seasons of Masked Singer and All Together Now.
Developer role. Own produced (in cooperation with Hands Production) Charity multi-genre
Demo GitHub Code show ‘I’m With U’ (for drawing the world’s attention to the needs of children
affected by the war in Ukraine)

Media Holding “LIVE. Network”, Jul 2021 - Dec 2021
Key accomplishments:
ADDITIONAL Started 16 new TV projects in half a year.
EDUCATION Opened 1 new TV channel (Tipovyi Kyiv) and restarted the existing channel
(Kyiv. Live) with new entertainment content.
Full stack course at Mate Academy
(Full time) (Git, HTML, CSS, Media Holding “SLM” (Novy TV Channel, STB TV Channel ), Feb 2012 - Dec 2021
JavaScript, Typescript, React, Web) - Key accomplishments:
1000+ hours Head role in technical management and common management in such TOP
Certified Associate in Project rated projects as One for All, Secrets of DNA, Undateables, Stand-up show,
Management (cert.#1630402015) at Hearts of Three, Kyiv day and night, Kids Time, Witches - TV series, Show must
ITEA/PMI Ukraine Chapter Go on, Pedan Prytula Show, Who's On Top, Ukraine of Miracles, etc.
Python Starter 3.8 cert.#
TP34214499 CyberBionic Technologies or Tools: Trello, MS Project, MS Office, Google Products, Jira, Slack,
Systematics / ITDVN 1C DB, Discord, and specific broadcast software.
FreeCodeCamp (HTML, CSS,
JavaScript) Engineer 2007-2012
Javascript.info (JavaScript) Project:
Reactjs.org Television and Broadcasting Company "Ukraine", Oct 2007 - Dec 2012
CodeWars 70+ Kata Completed, 140+ Responsibilities:
Katas at Mate Academy Organization and control of high-quality adjustment of technical Satcom and
www.w3schools.com broadcast equipment broadcast specialized equipment operation, and manage
Book: A Byte of Python - Swaroop C.H the team.

Key accomplishments:
Took essential part in technical management and engineering roles in such
projects as UFL (Ukrainian Football League), Morning show, Paul McCartney
Live in Kyiv 2008, Donbas arena grand opening Ceremony, Open air concerts,
UEFA Champions League, etc

Technologies or Tools: SAT Uplink technologies, Video/Audio broadcast
technologies. Swedish, BlackMagic, GigaWave, ROss, Tandberg, Sony Broadcast,
Sennheiser broadcast, Unix/Linux, Yamaha broadcast, MS Office, Google Products,

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