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Викладач іспанської, англійської мов

22 years
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Tatiana Chaban

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Kiyv National University of Trade and
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Bachelor in Marketing (Anticipated Graduation, June
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) 01/09/2020 – Current
ABOUT ME Chatbot Developer
10/06/2022 -Current
Hard-working, creative and proactive.
Self-motivated and highly reliable
university student positioned to equipped
with a diverse and promising
skill-set, enthusiasm, and an exemplary
work ethic.
Ambitious, eager to keep growing and WORK EXPERIENCE
evolving in my profession. Constantly
developing new skills and abilities.
Chatbot Developer | 2022 – Current

COMPETENCES Demonstrated practical and theoretical knowledge in
chatbot development (Instagram, Telegram, and
In-depth market research and strategic Facebook
implementation. platforms).
Research into consumption patterns. I created chatbots for businesses in the beauty
Innovation and creativity in advertising industry, and cosmetology procedures niche and also
campaigns. developed bots for online clothing stores, tourism, and
Creative writing. retail.

Shop assistant in a "Nike" store | 2020
Helped buyers in choosing with product selection,
Ukrainian - Native advised, presented, and sold the product.
Russian - Native Layed out new shoes and clothes line on the shelves,
English - Advanced invited to pay attention to new products, and showed
Spanish - Upper-Intermediate the quality of the them.

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