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QA engineer

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CONTACT DE TAILS Mykola Martyniuk
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Kyiv, Ukraine Work experience
Date of birth: 19. 12. 2003 FEB 2022 - Currently QA engineer
Orange Slovakia
L ANGUAGES Coverage by UI auto. test cases using Espresso
and Ultron frameworks in Android project
English - Advanced (C1) Coverage by UI auto. test cases using XCUITest
and Gherkin frameworks in iOS project
E2E UI mobile testing
German - Intermediate (B1) Using Kotlin and Swift in writing tests
Manual testing of app
Creation of test designs, test processes, test
Russian - Proficiency (C2)
cases and test data in TestRail
Working with Git and Jira
Ukrainian - Proficiency (C2)

ISTQB foundation level - January SEP 2021 - Currently Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and
2022 Computer Systems
Сomputer engineering
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Kyiv, Ukraine

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