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Daria Leshchynska (Zvekova)

Date of birth: 30.09.1990
City: Odesa
Telephone number: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Vacancy: psychologist
2021 Odesa state university I.I Mechnikov, psychology
2012 Odesa state academy of building and architecture, fine arts
Professional experience
Sinse 2022 develop activities mental health support using art-therapy methods for victims of armed conflict in Ukraine and other situations of violence (children, women, families). Collaboration with civil movement “Faith, Hope, Love”, (“Віра, Надія, Любов”), rehabilitation center for women victims of violence “Sophiya” (Софія), safe space for girls and women “Free” (“Вільна”), “Daddy Hub” (“Тато Хаб”) in Odessa. Also within the scope of the activity visited Mykolaiv (The city complex rehabilitation center for children and persons with disabilities).

Functional responsibilities
Creation of safe space
Help with adaptation and socialithation
Work with travma and agression
Lowering the level of anxiety
Development of creative potential

Since 2019 member of national union of artists of Ukraine.
Since 2016 free school «ASTR» - curator of 8, 9 grade, teacher of fine arts
Functional responsibilities
Conduct creative activities for children
Carry out corrective work.
Help with socialization and adolescent development
Work with adolescents with developmental disabilities
Consulting parents and teachers
Creation author's art-therapeutic method for overcoming the consequences of a traumatic experience, reducing the level of anxiety and aggression, developing spiritual and creative potential. The method was developed for children, teenagers, adults, was tested on different age groups and confirmed its effectiveness.
Participation and reports in conferences
III International scientific and practical conference "Personality in the crisis conditions of modern times, psychological challenges"
(March 3, 2023, Ivano-Frankivsk) - theses are printed

PERSONALITY, SOCIETY, WAR, international psychological forum (April 15, 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine) - report, abstracts printed
X All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Perspectives for the development of modern psychology" (April 22, 2022, Pereyaslav) - master class, report, theses printed
II International scientific and practical conference "Tendencies and prospects for the development of psychology and social work in modern society"
(November 19, 2021, Odessa) - theses are printed

Psychotherapeutic effect of the influence of sacred art on the development of personality in the cultural and historical genesis, scientific journal of sociology and psychology "Habitus", issue 35, 2022
The psychotherapeutic effect of a sacred drawing as a dominant of bibliotherapy for psychocorrection of personality in the conditions of modern realities, scientific journal of sociology and psychology "Habitus" issue 42, 2022
Certification training
III International scientific and practical conference "Personality in the crisis conditions of modern times, psychological challenges" (March 3, 2023, Ivano-Frankivsk) (10 hours)
All-Ukrainian practical online conference. Educational technologies. Tools for improving the quality of education. Story therapy and other types of assistance and development of students during martial law. March 23, 24, 2022 (15 hours)
X All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Perspectives for the development of modern psychology" (April 22, 2022, Pereslav) (12 hours)
Educational project "Pedagogy in conditions of war using methods of art and movement therapy". Friends of the Art of Education Freunde der Eriehungskunst e.V. (August 27-31, 2022, Odessa) (20 hours)
Languages: ukrainian, russian, english

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