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Тестувальник, QA Engineer

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I am Quality engineer with experience in testing
software development projects (web, mobile app).
Passionate about testing quality products. Self-
organized, a good team player and likes to change the CONTACT ME
world around me.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
QA Engineer
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
uTEST | dec 2021 - present
Requirements elication;
Fixing defects found and creating bug reports;
Usability testing and Localization testing;
Functional manual testing of web and mobile app. SKILLS SUMMARY
Understanding of client-server
QA Engineer architecture REST, SOAP;
ITX june 2022 - february 2023
Test documentation: checklists, test-
Developing and creating test documentation (Checklists,
cases, bug-reports (Jira, qase.io);
test cases and bug reports);
Cross-browser, cross-devices testing; HTML/CSS: creation of simple pages
Functional testing of Web and Mobile app.; (Visual Studio Code);
Smoke, E2E and regression testing; SQL (MS SQL): CRUD and simple
Practical experience with debugging tools (DevTools); selection and selection from several
Сarrying out localization testing. tables using JOIN using predicates and
aggregate functions;
EDUCATION Postman: collections, environment
parameters, send request/check
QALight IT School
response (API), status code ;
January-September 2022
DevTools: code, logs, request, response,
Sofware Testing
layout, styles, cashe, cookies, etc;
Practical SQL
WEB- server and WEB-services and Load Testing GitBash: repository creation, cloning,
Unix and network (FreeBSD) commits, branching;
Performance manual testing (JMetter);
QATestLab Understanding of the operation of OSI
layers and the protocol stack TCP/IP.
May 2022

Kyiv National University of Technologies and
Master's degree, Chemical Technologies Department English- B1
2004 - 2009 Ukrainian- native

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