
Junior QA Engineer

34 years

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Work experience

Junior QA Engineer

from 10.2022 to 03.2023 (5 months)
IT School GoIT (Kyiv), Київ (IT)


Testing the Requirements:
Static testing of requirements
Applying Role-based technique to prepare for requirements discussion

Testing web site finance.ua and app Privat24, Slack:
Non-functional testing of a web-site finance.ua and writing check-list for it’s main
Creating test-cases for a functional testing of an app Private24
Creating check-list for a smoke testing of an app Slack

Postman and API Trello:
Generating an API key
Sending requests whith url Trello using Postman
Analising of answers, methods and status codes
Creating a board, lists and cards on Trello using Postman
Performing tests with Postman

Project "Petly":
Static testing of requirements
Creating check-list for the functional testing of a web-site "Petly"
Functional testing of a web-site "Petly"
Creating bug-reports

Judicial Assistant

from 09.2012 to now (12 years)
District Court, Київ (Юриспруденція)

Work experience:
- Making a selection of acts of legislation and materials of court practice, which are necessary for consideration of a specific court case
- Preparing drafts of judgement of a specific lawsuit on behalf of the judge in a short time /Civil law, Employment law, Family law, Real property law/
- Preparing drafts of requests, letters, and other materials related to the consideration of a specific lawsuit on behalf of the judge in a short time
- Supervising the timely execution by expert institutions of expert research assigned to cases
- Supervising the work of the secretary of court sessions

Achievement: I’ve increased the consideration of the case by 24%


Kyiv University for Market Relations

Master's degree in Science of law, Київ
Higher, from 2007 to 2013 (6 years)

Additional education and certificates

QA Manual Course, IT School GoIT (Kyiv)

2022-2023, 3 місяці

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Користувач ПК
  • Багатозадачність
  • Jira
  • Postman
  • API
  • Test Case
  • Bug reporting
  • Ручне тестування
  • Організованість
  • HTML
  • Стрес-тестування
  • Чек-ліст
  • Scrum
  • Trello

Language proficiencies

  • English — average
  • Ukrainian — fluent

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