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Інженер електроніки

31 years

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Olesya Ovsak

Personal information
Address: 149, Kapushanska street, Uzhgorod, 88015, Ukraine
Telephone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Date of birth: 16th January 1993
Nationality: Ukrainian
Linkedin: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Uzhgorod National University, department of Mathematic, Specialist in Applied Mathematics (2010-2015)

Work experience
Jabil Circuit Ukraine Ltd.
February 2015 – December 2021
Industrial Engineer (Customer sectors: Digital Home &Office, Automotive, Telecom)

 Assembly process optimization. Line reconfigurations
 NPI’s implementation for new products and customers
 Preparing reports IEDB, OLE
 Product quotation
 DFA analysis
 Preparing financial forecasts
 Production documentations and manufacturing data creation: Work Instructions, Process Flows,
Time Study’s, Line Balance, workstation Ergonomics, Product-Process Quantity Time Matrix
(PPQT), data in the MES (metrics and setups)
Jabil Circuit Hungary Kft.
December 2021 – July 2022
Industrial Engineer (Customer sector: Health Care)

July 2022 – April 2023
Lead of Electronic Data Management (Customer sector: Health Care)

 Engineering Change Notification creation, tracking and coordinating
 Customer data packages (ECO, BOM, AVL, CAD data) for current and new products analysis,
formatting, structuring and managing
 Providing information to relevant departments about customer data details, BOM structure,
changes and specific details
 Customer communication regarding current and future Engineering Change Notifications,
Change status, implementation process and open points

Personal qualities
Responsible, enterprising, fast learner, have organizational skills, lead a healthy lifestyle

Special skills
 Upper intermediate English
 AutoCAD
 Sketch Up
 Microsoft Office

 Basic MOST Certification
 Lean Quiz Winner
 Lean Projects Competition Winner
 Bronze Lean Six Sigma Certification
 Silver Lean Six Sigma Participation

Available upon request

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