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Full stack програміст

24 years

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Lilia Obushenko
Fullstack Developer
Knowledgeable, detail-oriented Fullstack developer with Advanced
English, accustomed to working in fast-paced and deadline-driven
Extensive experience working in a team and communicating with
Open to learning new technologies.
My greatest motivation is my personal growth and continuous

Contacts development, as well as knowing that I am creating a valuable product.

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Portfolio
LinkedIn E-commerce Nice Products
Telegram WebPage GitHub Frontend Code GitHub Backend Code
GitHub Technologies used: ReactJS, Express.js, Node.js, TS, Sequelize, HTML, SCSS,

Lviv, Ukraine Todo App
Ready to work remotely WebPage GitHub Code
Ready to work during blackouts
Technologies used: ReactJS, Bulma, Rest API

Landing MET Museum
Languages: Typescript, JavaScript, Webpage GitHub Code
Node.js Technologies used: CSS(SCSS), HTML, BEM, JS, AOS
Frameworks: ReactJS, Express.js
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Sass(SCSS), Landing Eco cosmetics
DB Technologies: PostgresQL, Mongoose, Webpage GitHub Code
Sequelize Technologies used: CSS(SCSS), HTML, BEM, JS
Methodologies: BEM
UI library: Bulma, Material UI, Bootstrap,
AOS Experience
Tools: Figma, GIT, Trello, NPM, Eslint, Jira,
Mate Academy: Fullstack developer,
ClickUp, Rest API, Postman
IDE: VS Code, Chrome DevTools Training projects (2022 - Present)
Basics of: OOP, SQL See some of my projects at: Github
Algorithms: Solved 300+ algorithmic
tasks Administrator of a delivery company (2019 - 2021)
Delivery process quality assurance.
Education Background Communicating with customers and resolving all of their
Mate Academy (Full-time Fullstack inquiries.
Codewars (5 key), Honor: 500+
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National Team Lead in command project.
University Won Olympiads in mathematics and English
(Faculty of Foreign Philology) Graduated from high school with honors
Managed to independently cultivate a loyal clientele
2017 exceeding 100 individuals within the nail industry

Languages Self Education
English (Advanced) Javascript Mastery
Giraffe Academy
Ukrainian Developer.mozilla.org
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

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