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Java developer

24 years
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Kharkiv, Remote

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Ihnatov Roman

Software Engineer

Summary of I have approximately 3 years of experience in software development almost 1 year of this
Qualifications time in my last project I took initiative to take a Lead role. I participated in several projects
of various size and complexity. Have a good experience in various programming languages
and technologies. Most of my expertise is development of Java applications including back-
end and front-end parts of application using JavaScript, issue detection and resolving. I have
a good understanding of the object-oriented concepts and design patterns. Most of projects
I took part in, were handled with Scrum. I am always open to new and accepting the
challenges with interest and enthusiasm. I have very good skills in problem solving. I am
open-minded and goal oriented. I have active teamwork attitude and quick learning ability.

Programming Languages/Technologies Frameworks
▪ Java ▪ Spring
▪ Jakarta EE ▪ Spring MVC
▪ Servlets API ▪ Spring Boot
▪ JDBC ▪ React
▪ JavaScript/HTML/CSS ▪ Redux
▪ Docker ▪ Redux-Thunk
▪ Docker-Compose
Application/Web Servers
▪ Kubernetes
▪ AWS EC2, S3, SNS ▪ WebSphere
▪ Internal ORM ▪ Apache Tomcat

DBMS Development Tools
▪ MySQL ▪ IntellijIDEA
▪ Postgres ▪ Eclipse

Methodologies Testing Tools
▪ Agile, Scrum ▪ Junit 4/5
▪ Test Driven Development ▪ Mockito
▪ Test Last Development ▪ PowerMock
▪ Wrapper for Selenium Auto tests
Operating Systems
▪ Mac OS X
Ihnatov Roman
Software Engineer

▪ Microsoft
▪ Linux


Medicine Progressive Web Application
Project Description: The main idea of the project was to provide a drug related information for medical
representatives using Artificial Intelligence. Conversational interface for summary answers
about drugs and conditions. There were provided Drug Quick, Drug In-Depth answers, Drug
Interactions, and Intravenous Compatibility. Frontend part was written using React library.
Back-end part was written using Spring Boot.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 12 months
Project Role: Software Engineer
Responsibilities: ▪ Developing API;
▪ Implementing web-page processing JavaScript using React library.
▪ Implementing unit tests.
▪ Implementing integrational tests
▪ Communicating with customer.
▪ Creational new endpoints
Project Team Size: 10 team members
Tools & Technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Scss, Apache Lucene, React, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redis,
Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Docker, Kubernetes, Toolchain, Junit, Swagger.

Health Benefits System

Ihnatov Roman
Software Engineer

Project Description: Application provides health plan members with always-on Artificial Intelligence that can
answer highly personalized questions about benefits, eligibility, coverage, and liability.
Back-end part was written using Spring Framework, key-value storage Apache Ignite was
used as a distributed caching database for high-performance computations.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: Software Engineer
Responsibilities: ▪ Developing API.
▪ Implementing fault-tolerance application.
▪ Implementing unit tests.
▪ Implementing integrational tests
▪ Implementing Reporting System using Spring AOP
▪ Implementing Apache Ignite Test Framework for Nodes to ensure failover.
▪ Communicating with customer;
▪ Software designing, research and analysis for system design.
Project Team Size: 15–20 team members
Tools & Technologies: Java, Spring, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Apache Ignite, Toolchain, Junit, PowerMock, Docker,
Kubernetes, Derby, Solr.

Ihnatov Roman
Software Engineer

Agile Project Management Systems
Project Description: There are mobile plugins for one of the biggest issue tracker and corporate wiki, IOS &
Android applications which have been released to Google Play Market and AppStore long
time ago
Customer: US, Australia
Involvement Duration: 1.6 months
Project Role: Software Engineer -> Lead Software Engineer
Responsibilities: ▪ Leading all agile meetings, providing ideas for new features in the coming financial
▪ Been responsible for teammates and our commitments
▪ Working with development on support tickets
▪ Communicating with customers.
▪ Communicating with Stakeholders, each sprint holding a demo – sync
▪ Cross team collaborations
▪ Developing new API
▪ Implementing fault-tolerance application
▪ Fail-fast approach
▪ Trust Scorecards
▪ Elimination of different vulnerabilities
▪ Implementing unit tests
▪ Implementing integrational tests
▪ Software designing, research and analysis for system design.
▪ Keep test instances on AWS alive
▪ Maintain the push-notification service (AWS SNS)
▪ Preparing instances on AWS for QA demos
Project Team Size: 15 team members
Tools & Technologies: Java 8, 11, Spring, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo, Junit, Power
Mock, Mockito, JMeter, Selenium, Docker, AWS ec2, AWS S3, AWS SNS, AWS RDS, Redash

Education 2019 December – 2020 April Epam University Program
2017 - 2022 Aerospace University Khai, Department of Information-
Communication Technologies (Master’s degree)
2015 - 2017 - Physics and Mathematics School of the National Aerospace


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